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pipes1 last won the day on July 28 2015

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About pipes1

  • Birthday 11/12/1986

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  1. To be clear, Evenbalance the makers of the punkbuster software have detected something (we do not know what) that triggered a violation of the terms you agreed to to play the game. PBBans, may or may not be hold said violation (if you joined a streaming server they will have it listed), thus displaying the above message. Now just like any software there are bugs, glitches and even wrong doings, PB has in the past found false violations withing there software and corrected it. However you are talking about a game that is riddled with hackers, and older version and not as popular as it once was. You need to take your issue up with EB and be nice about it. Here are some helpful things to look at (yes one of the link takes you to another AntiCheat site) still good advice. evenBalance Ticket: make sure to open a ticket at http://www.evenbalance.com/index.php?page=support.php also please read this http://board.ggc-stream.net/index.php/Thread/8525-Warning-NEVER-download-or-test-cheats/ if you need your GUID use this link http://board.ggc-stream.net/index.php/Thread/15524-HowTo-What-is-my-PB-GUID/ you must be patient all staff members are volunteers. It does not matter that your account was hacked/barrowed/sold/or misused. Account security is the account owner's responsibility. We(ggc, ACI, or pbbans.com) do not ban the player, we ban the account once it has been compromised.
  2. merry christmas and happy new year
  3. Battlegrounds patch tackles 'lag switch' cheaters by freezing them in place http://www.pcgamer.com/battlegrounds-update/?utm_content=buffer62fab&utm_medium=social&utm_source=facebook&utm_campaign=buffer_pcgamerfb
  4. well first the game type would help, if hes getting picked up by pb then he typically has something that is getting him kicked/banned that is not part of the original game. but game type/name would help to sort it all out.
  5. I know first hand as my account (s) have been banned from thier site from soldier. This childish attitude is why I got out of server adminin in the first place. To this day ACI is the worst tool out there and it should not be used.
  6. just be careful, ACI "leadership" has daddy issues and they do what they want without cause.
  7. openly admiting you tried a hack was the wrong choice to try and appeal. as for your ban, after that stsatement, your hope for appeal is non-existant., I wish you luck. Only hope would be a whole new game, under a whole new steam/origin account. and get rid of the cheats. they only get you into trouble. GL though.
  8. not much that can be done until he receives yet another violation. pbbans cant just ban due to a name but for server owners its a nice heads up if they know the history
  9. it appears there is a file there that shouldn't be.
  10. its offline, not streaming or not set up right if it was restarted it might have gotten reset
  11. stats don't matter in any game. you can have the best states and be clean, or have the worst stats and be dirty. they mean nothing. straight up THE ACCOUNT was caught violation PB thus they issued a ban on the ACCOUNT. since you DL movies using torrentz I can only assume you did the same with the game. GL trying to get the ban overturned it wont. Do as nick said, BUY a new game under a NEW origin account and dont cheat again.
  12. looks like a good set of updates.
  13. I have used red hat but they say Ubuntu is the better version now. haven't messed with it in a few years tho
  14. agreed, thoguht they could get away with it, in the end every hacker is caught sooner or later.
  15. try these https://www.pbbans.com/forums/files/call-of-duty-2-windows-file86.html
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