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Everything posted by Livius

  1. I dont know what kind of webserver you use, but with in apache it whould be easy and you dont need to recodeing any php code, just write a .htaccess in main root. http://www.inmotionhosting.com/support/website/ssl/how-to-force-https-using-the-htaccess-file Edit: i notce that at the moment now your redirect is working well in every urls ;) good job
  2. I am glad to see that your https works well but please set up a correct url redirect option for it because it does not work well. https://www.pbbans.com/msi-server-157-181-170-248-16567.html http://www.pbbans.com/msi-server-157-181-170-248-16567.html
  3. Hi! Few years ago i was BF3 stream admin. Now i started a BF2 server and i wanted to set up the BPBans stream for it but after my login i dont have access to the Streaming Application. I got some error massage. It says "You have an account from previous application (AccID 12651)" In AccontCP i got access denied also! How can i solve it, to get stream admin or Streaming Lite Admin again?
  4. Have you got any anti-cheat idea against the macro cheats?
  5. I done it on the page! How long should I wait for the PBBans Account?
  6. I want streaming from PBBans.com to our BF3 ranked servers. What need to do for the server is correctly streamed? Can i set to stream more server later? I want to stream our two warserver and more ranked server also! Battlefield.hu[RANKED][HUN] IP: I enterted the commands to the rcon! punkBuster.pb_sv_command "pb_sv_writecfg pbucon.use" punkBuster.pb_sv_command pb_sv_restart Wait for PB to restart (approximately 10-30 seconds) punkBuster.pb_sv_command "pb_sv_usessionlimit 10" punkBuster.pb_sv_command "pb_sv_uconadd 1 IP pbbhub1 pbbanshub" punkBuster.pb_sv_command "pb_sv_task 0 3600 pb_sv_ver" punkBuster.pb_sv_command "pb_sv_task 0 86400 pb_sv_update" punkBuster.pb_sv_command "pb_sv_AutoUpdBan 1" punkBuster.pb_sv_command pb_sv_writecfg
  7. I want streaming from PBBans.com to our BF3 ranked servers. What need to do for the server is correctly streamed? Can i set to stream more server later? I want to stream our two warserver and more ranked server also! Battlefield.hu[RANKED][HUN] IP: I enterted the commands to the rcon! punkBuster.pb_sv_command "pb_sv_writecfg pbucon.use" punkBuster.pb_sv_command pb_sv_restart Wait for PB to restart (approximately 10-30 seconds) punkBuster.pb_sv_command "pb_sv_usessionlimit 10" punkBuster.pb_sv_command "pb_sv_uconadd 1 IP pbbhub1 pbbanshub" punkBuster.pb_sv_command "pb_sv_task 0 3600 pb_sv_ver" punkBuster.pb_sv_command "pb_sv_task 0 86400 pb_sv_update" punkBuster.pb_sv_command "pb_sv_AutoUpdBan 1" punkBuster.pb_sv_command pb_sv_writecfg
  8. I can not open this link! An Error Occurred Sorry, an error occurred. If you are unsure on how to use a feature, or don't know why you got this error message, try looking through the help files for more information.
  9. Anyone know more info about this problem? After the pb_sv_update command i get this message from the server! [punkBuster.onMessage] [PunkBuster Server: No Master Query Sent - DNS has not yet resolved for BF31.EVENBALANCE.COM]
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