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Everything posted by Mikester188

  1. Creating and selling Hacks got pretty serious business recent years. People pay tons of money not to need learning games, rather than to cheat and annoy legit players. In BF3 it seemed to me that the hacker society is stronger than the anti-hacker side.... hope this will change significantly! We will need your support more than before!
  2. I am still playing BF3 and the number of bans is nothing compared to the number of cheating bastards on the servers. Just take a look at my last view battereports and see the results (of enemy team). **admin edit** Name and shame is not allowed on these forums. Is EA and PB this helpless against cheaters? Are hackers better than anti-hackers? Is this the future of gaming to be forced to buy hacks to survive?? Then, Thank You and Good Bye Gaming community!
  3. BF4 - 139 bans in last 24 hours..... you 're serious about this game? http://www.pbbans.com/mbi-latest50-bf4-lfb44.html Terrible..... I don't wanna buy this.
  4. PFFFF........ "Well done" then :brownbag:
  5. Let's not turn BF4 into BF3..... But I found something interesting: http://www.battlefield-inside.de/2013/09/anti-cheat-in-battlefield-4-doppelt-haelt-besser/ it is in German, so please use Google Translator Every heard of FairFight?
  6. I am still playing BF3 and the situation is horrible. This game got killed now definately by cheaters. There is not even one single server available without at least 3-4 aimbot cheating idiots on it and PunkBuster Index says "36 bans in last 24 hours", WTF!!?? This must be 360 bans in last 24 hours!! Sorry for being pessimistic, but I know a bunch of people including me, who have lost trust in PunkBuster. The number of cheaters is too great which makes us not believing that anything would improve on BF4, that's why we decided NOT TO BUY this game. Regarding cheaters, BF2 was terrible especially after 5 years of release, BF2 BC was little better, but BF3 had been a cheater invaded piece of junk almost from beginning. It was barely fun to play for every legit player, who just wanted to enjoy the game a little. I am really disappointed cheaters can go so far without being caught in great number!
  7. If somebody would pay me, I would sit day n' night at some computer in DICE headoffice playing BF3 and just press ALT + TAB to switch at some banning programm and ban the shit out of cheaters. Really! I am so done with those retarded idiots, because the number gets greater and greater like cancer without any solution and BF3 dies soon. In short time we have 100% cheater, because legit players are not able any more to play this game and also start cheating, I hope this is not meant by EA/DICE to happen to their products?! ^^
  8. Dear PB/EB, could you please head on with next big Cheater pwning BANHAMMER??? Yesterday I played couple of rounds on BF3 and not a single server had been clean of cheaters! Don't want to sound stupid, but I would be happy if there were just one cheater any more, bnut meanwhile there a 3, 4, 5 of those scrubs in one team raping the other team. There is not even one single second having fun any more playing this game. Spawn, *bamm-bamm* 1-2 bullets dead, spawn, *bamm-bamm* 1-2 bullets dead, spawn, *bamm-bamm* 1-2 bullets dead, spawn..... *laming the shit out of me* The only thing I can do is hiding somewhere with the M98 and wait to get at least a few of those f*cktards. Mostly I leave the server before round ends.... but is this meant to play Battlefield??? Last few battle reports which don't seem to had been fun... they raped the shit out of our team: **no name and shame allowed without streamed evidence** Seriously, if EA/DICE wants to keep customers, they have to find some other solution. Sending out ban waves every 2-3 months is nothing but senseless, as far hackers solve the ban wave problems within minutes or hours and their customers can continue sucking around and annoying legit people! Your ideas?
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