Dear PB/EB,
could you please head on with next big Cheater pwning BANHAMMER???
Yesterday I played couple of rounds on BF3 and not a single server had been clean of cheaters!
Don't want to sound stupid, but I would be happy if there were just one cheater any more, bnut meanwhile there a 3, 4, 5 of those scrubs in one team raping the other team. There is not even one single second having fun any more playing this game.
Spawn, *bamm-bamm* 1-2 bullets dead, spawn, *bamm-bamm* 1-2 bullets dead, spawn, *bamm-bamm* 1-2 bullets dead, spawn..... *laming the shit out of me*
The only thing I can do is hiding somewhere with the M98 and wait to get at least a few of those f*cktards.
Mostly I leave the server before round ends.... but is this meant to play Battlefield???
Last few battle reports which don't seem to had been fun... they raped the shit out of our team:
**no name and shame allowed without streamed evidence**
if EA/DICE wants to keep customers, they have to find some other solution. Sending out ban waves every 2-3 months is nothing but senseless, as far hackers solve the ban wave problems within minutes or hours and their customers can continue sucking around and annoying legit people!
Your ideas?