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  1. Wow what a douche bag... Did he get banned or something? Or does he own the *^^ site that got busted AGAIN!!! lmao. I swear that site has been detected like 8 times in 2 months hahahahaha and now I see they are handing out global GUID bans YES!!!!!!! Please EB do that for ALL cheaters!!.
  2. This is what they should do to ALL cheaters from day 1!!! Love it!!!
  3. I dont see anything suspicious in the picture either, better take some new ones cause that one will not get the player banned.
  4. Ok I am confused about something, I see players getting banned in a new wave the last 2 days but why are they already playing!!! When a player gets caught by EB doesnt that account get locked? They can still play on pb servers that are not streaming GGC and PBBans data? So basically they just get a new cd key from the site they paid for the cheat at and can keep using the same account? If so, then it is just about money and not security..... Some change the name of the account right away but you cant hide from better battlelog!!! I add all banned players to my radar and if I see them in a server I go in and tell the admins lol
  5. I for one am so sick of that AA admin HaruhiAA always posting on the forums at BL that he gets paid to defend the cheaters who get accused or rubbing it in everyones face while live streaming the AA cheats while playing. I dont understand why EA has not banned his accounts on BL permanently and no EB bans at all when there is clear evidence he uses cheats in game. Very frustrating indeed....
  6. The site was **no naming of cheat sites in general forum sections please** which I read on one of the players busted battlelog profile lol I was snooping round the AA site and ran across this post from one of the admins which kind of made me mad. I quote " 3. Do you had bans in the last 4 weeks ? nope. And if a detection is ever made - our security usually discovers the breach within an hour or two (usually much less than that). The cheat is then disabled on the loader while the security breach/vulnerability is investigated and necessary changes made. It's rare for our cheat to be down and is usually fixed within a few hours (if not sooner).
  7. I woke up, made coffee and came over to check the MBI and ohhh how sweet it was to see another Ban wave in progress. I started checking the busted players in BL and found 3 high level Col like 93+ on the list and 2 of them I had even played with before!!! One of them even posted which cheat site that got detected, which of course I wont publish so more of them get caught lol. Keep up the excellent work!!!!!!!! You guys make my day!! :party0049:
  8. Ok will try those tips, thanks much.
  9. Ok sorry for posting it then. Is there any other avenue I can go with it? because several agree he is using a very good aimbot program...
  10. Can you take a look at this for me to as I find it highly suspicious. Also this guy was tossing ammo packs down all the time and revived 2 players while in the same class..... He only died once and got revived so he never switched classes. I also think he was using an aimbot but I am not sure 100% as I have never used the AS-Val. Tell me what you think please. Dont have to watch it all, I am sure your more the experts then I am. Someone else said they saw him pick up the dead players pack so I must of missed it both times. Well just watch some anyway and see what you think. If any admin doesn't find anything wrong with it feel free to delete the thread after. *removed*
  11. Ok changed it, should be fine now lol
  12. If any females on here find my profile pic offensive in any way I will gladly take it off. Just let me know. Most players on BL have swimsuit model pics on the profiles so I just used it here instead of a blank pic.
  13. SOPA didn't work in America so we sold it to Iran lmao
  14. Wow EA trolls the world news lol
  15. Random Model I follow on FB lol She is so freakin fine :)
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