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eat5 last won the day on November 6 2012

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    smelling stuff
  • Location
    Ft Worth

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    Hairy Crazy Ants
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    Battlefield 3
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  1. holy smokes lmao, thats serious. im using my 3ds for this . starting to get used to no computer. i might not get one again, everything has win 8 now..
  2. i think mine had some sort of oil in it, but when it drips on pCIE socket and mixes with dust you cannot see it will create a current through the dust and oil mix, ill post photos, looks like no problems beside the burnt marks lool. gonna stay away from liquid cooling permanently, i was interested for years about it now i see the cons, i leave my system on too much for a weak link like that, its like having a spaceship with a carburetor,, its fine for gaming, but when you use your computer as much as i do its not developed good yet for long hours. thats sick, im gonna get a new FX CPU with 797 03 gb im looking for combo sale but nothing yet...
  3. the day after Xmas my pump started making alot of noise, i kept using it. in the middle of a game of BO2 i looked at my GF then tuned back to computer screen, Blue!?, i was WTF! turn it back on and is fine, play 10 min , Pop!, Ozone and burn plastic smell. taking the side off i notice a drop hanging from the Colant pump. too late for the graphics card and Mobo... laste 1.25 years, faster than my Dell lol,.. it didnt seem worth having the liquid cooling because i leave my computer on too much and the pumps can last all that. ill be gone for a while from the computer anyway a few weeks to get a new MOBO ans GPU. turned server off also till i get i new rig. can only use our office computers...
  4. http://www.phogue.net/forumvb/showthread.php?5200-Zombie-Mode-%281-1-0-0-10-28-12%29-BF3
  5. lool lucky.
  6. I paid 30$ for BF4 beta, !!! lmao!
  7. http://www.liveleak.com/view?i=823_1355848635
  8. been playing uber widescreen style, pretty fun. http://youtu.be/iamsviNZgvY
  9. still hollding out on getting this. some of the videos look good. used to have FarCry2, some how lost is 3 computers ago...
  10. man is been 70+/80 here in Ft Worth. Insane.. Dont seem right at all.
  11. eat5


    its barely from pencil sketch into photoshop, then it will goto illustrator, then back to photoshop... Old Website Banner
  12. eat5


  13. Im from Pittsburg, Graduated Art Institute there.. love that place.
  14. i wonder how graphic intensive this will be on the GPU.
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