Lmao you see people thinking I'm freaking lying. Both SureViolence and Sychokillz belong to my younger brother. But yeah that post was definitely me. I noticed that PBBans homepage had an option to submit cheats so I told people I was working alongside you guys otherwise they would think I was just bullsh*tting. "Working alongside you guys" meaning I was going to do whatever I could to help you guys ban hackers because you guys move rather slow on it (no offense).That plan basically failed because I realized that those hacking sites are account based hacks, you can't use them unless you are a paying customer. So, I just dropped the whole plan all together. Not paying 25 bucks for all that trouble. I also noticed a ban sweep that had occurred at the time. Basically, what I'm trying to find out is if it's possible to clear these bans from my IP because admins keep banning me based off of this record. I wish people could screenshot me, or record me or something I have nothing to hide.