We have some players join and then no log of them leaving is recorded ,BUT ! the server has crashed /failed etc ,from the GSP & procon logs ,if someonewas trying something out it took them about an hour to crash it , playername that never disconnected is mati01595,actually palyer not found was the log, joined at 3.31am and never left ,no other players were
on the server .
This has occurred 2-3 times over a period of 1 month ,possibly a bug/vuln in the BF3 game software ?,as fault tolerance
level of the server ,memory & cpu at the time were not the issue from the server stats captured.
Server logs gsp
GameCreate stopped Aussie Battlefield-24/7 -Bigpond Unmetered. 01/10/2013 04:32:08
Fail Process failure (Server crashed?) 01/10/2013 04:32:08
But it appears the server went offline @ 4.27am AEST ,
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