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  1. Please join me as i honor the following Fallen Heroes: Army 1st Sgt. Tracy L. Stapley KIA: July 3, 2013 44, of Clearfield, Utah; assigned to 308th Medical Logistics Company, U.S. Army Reserve, Saint George, Utah; died July 3 at Camp As Sayliyah, Qatar. Army Spc. Hilda I. Clayton KIA: July 2, 2013 22, of Augusta, Ga.; assigned to 55th Signal Company (Combat Camera), 21st Signal Brigade, Fort Meade, Md.; died July 2 in Jalalabad, Afghanistan. Rest in Peace Heroes.
  2. I agree with you on this. When designing and releasing a major product like that, they should have have put more thought into it. He made his bed, now he's gotta sleep in it :)
  3. When i said Facebook is doing the same thing, i mean, trying to take over the world with new products. I wouldn't be surprised if Facebook came out with a console in the future haha. I saw a facebook lighter the other day at the gas station, and a facebook coffee mug. It made me want to slam my head into a wall -_-
  4. Please join me as i honor the following Fallen Hero: Army Sgt. Justin R. Rogers KIA: June 28, 2013 25, of Barton, N.Y.; assigned to Headquarters and Headquarters Battalion, 101st Airborne Division (Air Assault), Fort Campbell, Ky.; died June 28 in Bagram, Afghanistan. Rest in Peace Hero.
  5. I used to work for Walmart, and i agree completely with you :) On a side note, Facebook is doing the same thing!
  6. Wow, thank you :) Anybody else see Google taking over the world in the future? :P
  7. I know that you didn't really disclose anything with that post, but its flirting with a line that shouldn't be flirted with. I know how NDA's work, I was in the Army, and i've seen some bad "crap" happen to people who violate NDA's,by saying things that are less revealing then what you posted. Take my word for it, be careful what you say. Hooah
  8. You should be careful what you say in Public Forums man.....Remember....NDA. Even a post like this could be considered violating that agreement
  9. I also remember hearing something along the lines of Google coming out with their own Internet, TV, and Phone services. Not sure if it's true though, but i can definitely see that happening
  10. Please join me as i honor the following Fallen Heroes: Army Sgt. Corey E. Garver KIA: June 23, 2013 26, of Topsham, Maine; assigned to 1st Battalion, 506th Infantry Regiment, 4th Brigade Combat Team, Fort Campbell, Ky.; died June 23 in Zormat, Afghanistan, of wounds caused by an improvised explosive device. Army Spc. Javier Sanchez Jr. KIA: June 23, 2013 28, of Greenfield, Calif.; assigned to Special Troops Battalion, 2nd Brigade Combat Team, 10th Mountain Division, Fort Drum, N.Y.; died June 23 in Sar Rowzah, Afghanistan, of wounds caused by an improvised explosive device. Rest in Peace Heroes
  11. So is this going to be a game that PBBans supports and bans for ?
  12. I have made this topic on several websites, so i thought i might as well make it here :) This thread is to Honor the Fallen Heroes, who give their lives fighting for freedom. I will be making posts every few days in this thread, honoring the fallen Soldiers of the U.S. Military. Feel free to post any fallen heroes you hear about from your country as well :) I have a Facebook Page made as well for this cause, please feel free to check it out: www.facebook.com/Fallen.Heroes.Remembered Army Spc. Ember M. Alt KIA: June 18, 2013 21, of Beech Island, S.C.; assigned to 68th Combat Sustainment Support Battalion, 43rd Sustainment Brigade, 4th Infantry Division, Fort Carson, Colo.; died June 18 in Bagram, Afghanistan, of wounds caused by indirect fire. Army Spc. Robert W. Ellis KIA: June 18, 2013 21, of Kennewick, Wash.; assigned to 68th Combat Sustainment Support Battalion, 43rd Sustainment Brigade, 4th Infantry Division, Fort Carson, Colo.; died June 18 in Bagram, Afghanistan, of wounds caused by indirect fire. Army Sgt. Justin R. Johnson KIA: June 18, 2013 25, of Hobe Sound, Fla.; assigned to 10th Transportation Battalion, 7th Sustainment Brigade, Fort Eustis, Va.; died June 18 in Bagram, Afghanistan, of wounds caused by indirect fire. Army Spc. William R. Moody KIA: June 18, 2013 30, of Burleson, Texas; assigned to 68th Combat Sustainment Support Battalion, 43rd Sustainment Brigade, 4th Infantry Division, Fort Carson, Colo.; died June 18 in Bagram, Afghanistan, of wounds caused by indirect fire. Marine Lance Cpl. Jared W. Brown KIA: June 16, 2013 20, of Youngstown, Fla.; assigned to 2nd Battalion, 2nd Marine Regiment, 2nd Marine Division, II Marine Expeditionary Force, Camp Lejeune, N.C.; died June 16 while supporting combat operations in Helmand province, Afghanistan. Army Staff Sgt. Jesse L. Thomas Jr. KIA: June 10, 2013 31, of Pensacola, Fla.; assigned to 39th Transportation Battalion, 16th Sustainment Brigade, 21st Theater Sustainment Command, Kleber Kaserne, Germany; died June 10, in Helmand province, Afghanistan, of unspecified causes. Rest in Peace Heroes. Your sacrifices will not be forgotten.
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