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Everything posted by Patusia

  1. Ok ty very much
  2. Its place somewhere i put circle http://imageshack.us/photo/my-images/803/toujaneq.jpg/ i think he was doing semething with textures, or boxes, because he was too obv fot clean player..
  3. its german's respawn i am sure. So what is this?
  4. on normal screenshot it must be a box, and he has some space in middle..
  5. http://imageshack.us/photo/my-images/201/pb000219.jpg/ its german's respawn, and i think that he dont have boxes or sth like this. Waiting for asnwer
  6. clanbase admins suck, they wont help me cause they know all hackers in cod2 and doing nothing always cause this super game is down cause of cheaters... ok ty for help
  7. Hi yesterday i played cb on streamed server, and one guy was scanning like crazy, smoke shooting, in 1 word he was to much obvious. Is there any posibillity to ban this cheater? i dont have screenshoots cause it was their server. but i can send demo here. Waiting for asnwer.
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