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Everything posted by C4st

  1. The reason to this was simply to find out a way to detect a returned cheater. Lets say if I could pull an IP search on a player wouldn't I be able to compare GUIDS that have been used on it? Thanks anyway.
  2. Just a quick question: Is it some how possible to check if a player is banned by his IP address? Just like the GUID search on the main page. thanks, castiii
  3. Thanks. So if I have understood correctly this result in a contradiction because the GGC kicks automatically EB's globally banned GUIDS even though the global banlist can't be used as a valid proof of cheating anymore. I believe in this case Clanbase decides the definition of valid. That is also why the opponent is so pissed off, but there has been a reason of banning it in the first place in the past. Hopefully we won't run into trouble like this anymore.
  4. Thanks for the comments. Somehow they managed to wipe off that GUID from the global banlist yesterday.
  5. Thanks for the reply. This is a major problem, because he sure isn't alone on the global banlist and me as a server admin can't do much about it. He got kicked because of GGC so I might have to be in touch with them if we don't find a solution to that particular match.
  6. Hello, so my friends and I play clanbase ladder for fun and yesterday we got into a small pickle. We have a server which streams here and to GGC. The game was set and everyone was connecting. Now, the opponent side players started popping off immediately they connected as you can see the link below. The last picture there shows that the player with GUID 72824b38 is globally banned by Even balance but cannot be seen either on the Pbbans list or the one in GGC. My nick is: castiiiii http://clanbase.ggl.com/warinfo.php?wid=11622036&cid=1175477 They actually claim that I have managed to break the server somehow, but is just gibberish. My question to you is: Is the Even Balance global ban just as valid as the ones in the Pbbans masterban list?
  7. Thank you, these are the files (v.1.760 A1383 C2.208) I've been looking for the past 10 hours!
  8. Everything started to work after PB update, thanks alot for the effort. Resolved.
  9. Yes, pb_sv_restrictions is set to 1
  10. According to my server provider it should be up to date. It's frustrating and this has gone off-topic now.
  11. Current server client is: Call of Duty 2 v1.760 1.249 A1383 And it should be something like this: Call of Duty 2 v1.760 2.208 A1383 I've done every EB step for the update, but I can't get it to work (http://cod22.evenbalance.com/index.php?page=dl-cod2.php) I'll double check this by asking server host to do the same, just in case if i managed to do something wrong.
  12. I am currently trying to find help how to update it. Evenbalance seems to have the old version downloadable. Any help would be much appreciated.
  13. Yeah, those lines were there too. What could it be
  14. Side note: my server has an old punkbuster setup C1.249, I don't know if that's anything to do with it.
  15. I did not get it to work. I uploaded pbsvuser.cfg, which is actually from this site 'Master Config index'. Config has the following lines: pb_sv_cvar com_maxfps OUT 0.000001 43 pb_sv_cvar com_maxfps OUT 251 1000 pb_sv_cvar cg_fov IN 80 97 pb_sv_cvar r_picmip IN 0 2 pb_sv_cvar r_polygonOffsetScale IN -1 pb_sv_cvar r_polygonOffsetBias IN -1 pb_sv_cvar m_pitch OUT -0.015 0.015 pb_sv_cvar m_yaw IN 0.022 pb_sv_cvar cl_maxpackets IN 30 100 pb_sv_cvar rate IN 5000 25000 pb_sv_cvar snaps IN 20 40 I uploaded it to FTP server pb folder and restarted PB. Then I tried this by setting my fps value, but PB won't give warnings and /pb_cvarlist gives 0 current cvar violations.
  16. Hello, I am trying to setup cvar violation kicks to my server, but I haven't really got anywhere. I have the config which determines the values, but what now? Where do i put it and how do I set PB to kick if the value is not withing limits? Thanks, C4st
  17. Hello, I am having the same issue, aren't those files the old ones? Current version should be this: v1.760 v2.208 | A1383
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