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Everything posted by Silvabakrev

  1. Yeah its been online and going alright since the 11th Nov: Re-kicked it again today and it appears to be streaming now! let the hackers come! thanks for the help.
  2. Someone fixed it for me, cheers. Although keep getting this error when trying to stream-connect up. [iNIT] Opening connection ... ********************************ERROR******************************** Connection timed out: connect *********************************************************************** will keep trying
  3. Taz, I updated the my team account server IP to (Added a new server IP and deleted an old one, we recently moved our server from being hosted in Adelaide to Sydney, hence the IP changed, I forgot and applied with the previous/now closed server/IP) Think I need an admin to approve the new IP I just added so I can set the streaming?
  4. Thanks SuperTaz, submitted that app, I take it I await reply from that process prior to trying to setup a streaming link?
  5. Thanks for that link Empyre, BF4 is on the drop down list there, will set it up when I get home later.
  6. Hello new to the site, currently owner/admin of a clan-based pc-Battlefield 4 server. I have added my servers IP to my info but can not find a link to select/connect it to being recognised as a BF4 server, is it not ready to setup yet. Had a look through the tutorials etc... but can't seem to find out how to link it to BF4, appears it is not ready yet? Any PBBans admin advice would be appreciated.
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