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Everything posted by KakTak

  1. Most 81518 appeals denied, so I assume case closed, this ban wave is legit and I am a cheater. Meh.
  2. Usually I stay away from banwave discussions, from judging if someone's guilty or not unless it's 101.9% clear. I still perfectly remember that major PB mishap when hundreds of BFBC2 players were banned with PB violation triggered by the string in chatbox (been playing Valparaiso when banwave started, and I was yelling smthing like "Look at all these cheaters! Beat them to death!", then BAM, kick, ban, whoohoo). Bans were lifted a couple of days later, so I've spent another ~1000hrs in BC2 then 1200hrs in BF3 and was going to waste another 1.5 months of my life playing BF4. Until yesterday. Yes, I've got banned with the same (81518) violation no. Was speaking to other banned players (btw, one of them is server admin, but it proves nothing, I know), we've been trying to find something common in our software/drivers configuration (with no success so far). On a sidenote, this banwave started, just like 89265 one did, right after servers update (to R11 i think). What could trigger violation? I don't know. Being web-developer, I have tons of tools/apps running in background, from Adobe Photoshop and Illustrator and SQL manager to Apache web-server, Python snippets, and even fulltext search server, not saying about dev IDEs. I use Outcome (Origin replacement) and my first (wrongful) thought was it's the ban reason. I agree with Fister that the second false banwave would be a disaster for evenbalance and their business, and since EB is more 'secret service' than FBI or NSA are together, they can just claim this violation legit and close the case. Sadly, if this happens, we won't get any details on violation trigger so BF4 will be the last PB-protected game I've ever bought. Hope that PBBans stuff would help us to find out what's going on here (you guys closer to that black box with 'evenbalance' label on it). Well, over and out. P.S. I'm able to join and play on non-streaming and official servers, so at least BL friends see that my gameplay 'level' hasn't changed a bit.
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