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Everything posted by B1aze14

  1. I have been banned for 81518 and have come to realize that Evenbalance knows 81518 is faulty and are going to wait a while before admitting this, being that they had already admitted to a false positive not to long ago. Since Evenbalnce obviously isn't, I hope PB Bans will take initiative and disable this auto ban, while it may make Evenbalance a bit mad at you guys the players like me will definently appreciate it. I contacted Evenbalance with a trouble ticket and despite all support for me from my clan of cheater haters (TNT), would not provide information as to why I was banned or even seem to care. When I lost my nerve I stated what I said above, they locked the thread. i guess they had no more BS lies to give me and were done with me. I will post a link to my trouble ticket. I'm not here to argue and hope the players and PB Bans staff can use my information to make some progress with this issue. http://www.evenbalance.com/troubleticket/update_ticket.php?ticketnumber=EB4384000718046&password=1d6e41c276efcb3208c9d18ecaf1b2 Here's where I lose my patience and Evenbalance locks the thread.
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