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Everything posted by MudBar64

  1. Hi, I'm posting this text on behalf of NaiduR. In short: I can confirm that having CE loaded in memory and attached to any process triggers this violation. Steps to reproduce this violation: 1. Run Cheat Engine, attach it to any process. I've used calc.exe. 2. Join any PB-enabled server. 3. Play some rounds. I was kicked playing second TDM round, so it took 20..25 minutes approx. for PB to "detect" Cheat Engine. 4. Enjoy 81518 ban. Here's the prove that it was me: 1. Download the file (if you didn't already) I've posted the link to in my previous post #81. To those "you could alter the file after your ban" I have only to say that if I did, file URL would change. It is the way Mega works these days. To those "you could edit the link in your post" -- this forum script doesn't allow you to edit your posts after some short time (1hr or so, I think). 2. Use WinRAR to unpack it using password "outersoul" without quotes, of course. 3. Open unpacked txt file, you will find origin account details and GUID inside 4. Now get here: pbbans.com 5. Find recent ban with violation #81518 and the player nick you found in txt file. Follow the details link, compare GUIDs. 6. Don't believe me? Try on non-streaming server (Pielroja, you are right here), you will be banned on that server only. Some observations: 1. I've got ZERO messages in BattleLog that I've been banned or any kind of restriction kick occurred. 2. Some kind of message '... banned ...' flashed in BF4 chat and I think it's almost impossible to notice it if you don't know what are your looking/waiting for. 1. and 2. definitely explain why A. most players were unaware of any kind of ban B. not much appeals done Here's pbcl.log with my violation (time is UTC+4): [12.03.2013 05:33:49] pb_LogToFile = 1 (0=No, 1=Yes) [12.03.2013 05:33:49] pb_SsLog = 1 (0=No, 1=Yes) [12.03.2013 05:33:49] pb_SsSave = 1 (0=No, 1=Yes) [12.03.2013 05:33:49] Attempting to resolve master3.evenbalance.com [12.03.2013 05:33:49] Resolved to [] (18) [12.03.2013 05:33:49] PunkBuster Client (v2.332 | A0 v) Enabled [12.03.2013 05:33:50] Game Version [89510] [12.03.2013 05:33:50] Connected to Server [12.03.2013 05:33:50] WARNING: PB Kicks for Level 1 PB Restrictions on this Server [12.03.2013 05:33:50] PB Server assigned guid = 4911cfeb8da96a2f5cbd79cfb97e2799 [12.03.2013 05:33:50] Receiving from PB Server (v v1.880 | A1390 C2.332) [12.03.2013 05:33:53] PB Services socket initialized [12.03.2013 05:33:55] PnkBstrA successfully loaded PnkBstrB [12.03.2013 05:33:58] PnkBstrB service installed and started successfully [12.03.2013 05:36:06] Receiving from PB Server (v v1.880 | A1390 C2.332) [12.03.2013 05:37:50] Master Query Sent to (MASTER1.EVENBALANCE.COM) [12.03.2013 05:37:52] Received Master Security Information [12.03.2013 05:58:27] Violation (GAMEHACK) #81518 [12.03.2013 05:58:30] Not Connected to a Server
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