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Depetris 1967

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Everything posted by Depetris 1967

  1. On his own server i'm sure he's removing himself from the banslist and a few others also. Also the ellu's ban on the other site is not him. It is his pb guide. But the ip is european. Badazz isn't from europe. He's obviously been sharing his guide with a few others.
  2. At the beginning of this lengthy thread I stated exactly that Johnny. He has made some nice admissions about his cheating though. And the more this goes on the more that gets exposed about him.
  3. Umm was it you who was busted on xtgl league during a devils clan match a couple of months ago with that guide also? I'll try to get ahold of mega the guy who ran the ladder back then and posted the information about your clan when 3 of your members were caught during a match. You were the first one listed in that post by one of the main admins. Hmm... Shout away bro we don't want or need your help but all the admitting to hacking by you is helping us to keep guys like you out of this anti cheat site.
  4. I'm not sure we can accept bans from your server as you don't adhere to our banslist and are on that by the way. Look up your name and or guide or ip and you'll find that you are on the banslist here. We don't usually accept information on cheaters from cheaters.
  5. I explained all of this to him last night. But I also told him we'd post our opinions on this. I explained to him how to pull down the console and execute the pb_plist command to get the guides and also that he should take a screenshot of that to submit with the demo.
  6. It' can't be a catch as he has no connection information on it. He was on a server that he doesn't host when he took this demo. He has no logs for the catch. No connection information for the player in question and no way of getting that. I discussed this with him last night on irc.
  7. He is registered member of pbbans. But he hosts his server at his home. And his posted server ip is his router. Which is unverifiable. I don't see his server online as I don't have the true ip for it. I put him into the normal usergroup so he cannot see the private forums guys.
  8. Hello all, I'm making this announcement in this forum as I figure more people will have a chance to read it after I'm done over the next few days. I'm working on rechecking all the listed accounts here. If your account isn't validated you can email me directly at [email protected]. If you had a validated account in the past and find it's either been deleted or your access has been limited this is due to the fact that your listed information is no longer up to date. I'm giving most users here a chance and setting them to normal user. If you want access to this site still you need to update your information in your profile. The primary Information I'm looking at is this: 1. Valid website where you need to be listed as an admin for your group or company. It is much easier if this is clearly listed as to which game your the admin for. By admin I mean capable of logging into your listed server and having access to your servers configs and logs. 2. Server IP - If you list your clans server this needs to be updated and working when I check it. If not I'll either delete your account or make you a normal user and take away your clan admin tag used here. 3. Game Played/reason for joining pbbans. This needs to be up to date. Invalid to me is I hate cheaters, or some of the other things i'm finding in that field. Game played is more important to me ultimately. 4. If I have to log into your website to view your clan status I probably won't take the time to do this and will just limit your access here. If your clan wants to keep your site locked down to non-registered users I fully understand this as my clan does the same. But you need to have your rank title status listed in a publicly accessible manner for me to be able to check it. Ok I'll add to this as I see fit. Hope I've not offended too many people but I'm getting tired of checking and finding that the people listed here as clan admins aren't clan admins, or even listed as members of the clans they listed they were with. Time to UPDATE YOUR PROFILES please.
  9. hey Section 8, You already registered and were validated. You have been validated since the 17th of april 5 days after you registered here. What's the problem you are having with your account?
  10. Dwarden, I've not validated your account as you have no valid clan or website listed in your application. We need certain fields in the applications filled out completely and accurately or I won't validate it.
  11. I've watched this demo and didn't see him doing anything extraordinary in it. I also don't see any obvious signs of hacking in it. Exactly what is he being accused of doing?
  12. Yes bob, I'd love to have it set up on my servers. I have more than one though so how would we go about setting them all up for it? Dep
  13. Hey -7 from what i've read here then only removed the invalid bans ie: 20005 ones from your list not the valid ones. Why would anyone remove a valid ban from the list. So don't worry he's still listed there and doesn't need to be re-added to it.
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