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Depetris 1967

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Everything posted by Depetris 1967

  1. On your server have yourself listed as Admin please (in the server info lines) and we can get your questions answered and provide you with private forum access here. Our private forums can answer any and all server set up related questions that you can throw at us. To get your server fully set up to stream to us you need to choose a username and password of your own and get that information to [email protected] He handles the repository system for PBBans.com We look forward to having you onboard with us!
  2. but if you register with pb you can truely lock your tags. Anyone using them in any form will receive a kick from your server. I haven't ever actually locked our tags on our servers but my clan tags are registered with pb. Mostly i do it so i know who is posing and who isn't. I don't need to kick them for it as i can easily prove they are not who they say they are by dropping my console and typing in pb_plist.
  3. well sc, I for one know how to differentiate between a real and a faked ss. I don't even need to open it in a viewer to do so. And to prove your point. Go for it and edit any pb ss and send it here, make it tough though, bury it in a few other normal shots so it's like a trick. I will be able to tell you exactly which one has been edited, probably within 15 minutes of you posting it.
  4. At times L acts up and doesn't perform as it should. This is a major flaw with irc. You will need to message an op when you are having problems on irc as generally your not receiving voice is due to L acting oddly. Sorry for the incovenience but it's out of our hands.
  5. I look at mine usually. I also have another member of my clan who looks thru them frequently to assist. He usually points out any that are questionable.
  6. The easist thing to do to protect your clan tags and clan members from outsiders is to register the tags with evenbalance. If say i'm in your server and you drop down the console and do a pblist, you will find that my clan is registered with PB. This provides other benefits too. You can protect your tags on your own servers. This means that people who attempt to use your tags on your server get removed from the server if they don't have the PB file needed by registered individuals.
  7. you don't need any programs at all to verify if a screenshot has been edited. If the server admin tries to post a faked shot we can tell and we do check them all before we bother posting them as bans. Photoshop would allow you to edit a shot but it won't hide that it's been edited, no program will hide that fact. PBBans only accepts unaltered ss's for submissions. Hope that your question was answered.
  8. yes you may but in the pubs make sure to block the guid. Also if you want to post for your clan you should have them list you on a publicly accessible roster as the pb admin or server admin. And it would also be nice to have your name listed in the .admin section of the servers online info field. I was only able to verify that you are a member of the group and not any type of admin so your account is currently limited.
  9. it is being downloaded from a server these people are joining. Supposedly it will only work if the client and server has it. But i've also heard that it will work if the client has it and the server the client is on is on a rmg map. Regardless it's a pk3 hack as it removes fog.
  10. It will be discussed amongst the admins here spicy. I will let you know our decision.
  11. ahh i see all the "normal user accounts" grouping together. So sc may i ask what your purpose in being here is, if we are so bad? Just to fan the flames when you get the chance? Or do you serve some productive purpose to this community? And yes i deactivate accounts like i did today with the guy who was posting comments to people that have nothing to do with pbbans, punkbuster software, master ban lists or anything constructive at all. He was posting bans with no proof. What should i have done? Let him continue to harrass people here? Read the TOS in this case it applies and was applied. In my eyes posting in a private thread falsified information with no proof to back it up more then once is a account deletable offense. And our TOS clearly states that also. All of Inque's posts contained links (that didn't work any more) but when they did they were links to altered images. He was made aware of this and asked repeatedly to submit the actual .png files and the connection info. Instead he posted dummied up pbbans.dat style info in place of connection info. And instead of posting the original unaltered ss's of these "hackers" he supposedly caught he just moved on to new threads and posts. Not the type of server admin we need here.
  12. ok enough is enough.
  13. umm maybe it's cause it's set to [email protected] when it should be [email protected] There seems to be a superfluous s in your email address.
  14. I've changed your account. I've noticed that you have not posted one verifiable ban to us in all the time you have been a member here. The only bans I can find that you did post about isn't in the format that we can accept. ie: they look like you hand wrote them. The screenshots of the "proof" of the few posted cheaters you have supposedly caught isn't available with the links you provided. I would assume you are deleting the proof or just never actually uploading them. Also I've noticed the configs that you've put on our forums to assist the aa admins here contained information that would have forced them to stream their logs to the other site and didn't bother to inform anyone. I had to download them and look at them myself to find that out. Which personally I find a little duplicitous. Since you don't plan on assisting us at all. I've changed your account permissions. This is the only warning I will give you. Next warning I feel needs to be issued to you will cause me to delete your account here with us.
  15. Someone with your ip used all those guids which means you will remain listed as using all of them also. It is not my job to secure your computers from others. It is your job. If your computer or ip is being used by other people and they are getting caught, our software will match those catches up by ip searching. If you bought a new guid that is great, i commend you and hope you never cheat again and have a great and fun time playing. But you will not get access to our tools here. Although we don't add your ip to our banslist for banning. I validate accounts and match what i find with your known guid's and ip's. So on our forums you will remain listed as a cheat using member. Which you should, as you've stated you've used a cheat although you don't feel it was a cheat, it was.
  16. As your previous post had several inconsistencies in what you were clearly trying to state. I have decided to give you the definition of the word several. The dictionary definition of several is "more than two but fewer than many" laugh that one off bad boy. You state you only have two keys you use and then you go on to state you have used several keys. You state you don't hack, but you have hacked in the past, found initially by our searching and then by your own admission. We find you have 15 guid's tied to your ip. Several of those are linked to cheat catches posted here with us. You state no recoil is not a hack. And yet we all know that it is. Got anything else to say?
  17. Umm, I see you posted three links there to our mpi and we've repeatedly asked people not to link that tool from external sites. It would be nice if people would stop doing that ... Your website does not work for me so i've reset your account to a normal user due to that. Also I was not able to verify that you are the server admin as you never set the .admin line in your server config. Those are primary things i look for when validating accounts. Please fix both those settings and I will look at your account again.
  18. that will work for now but get it set up so that we can publicly access a roster with who's who in your group would really help out in the long run.
  19. You have been warned repeatedly about this flatline. The pbbans irc channel is not a spot to spam messages about pcw's. You could have pm'd me if you wanted to get voice to participate. Or you could have simply stopped spamming us with your pcw stuff. I am not the only admin that has been irritated by this. And warning you doesn't seem to make a difference as you just repeatedly ignore warnings.
  20. That link doesn't work. It has a page with only one missing graphic on it. Where did you read this post to register here? Also it would be helpful to have yourself listed in your servers admin info line.
  21. we were unmoderated and many people were spamming pbbans with alot of annoying messages. Umm you for one. So no people can have voice if they are not spamming the channel with unrelated spam.
  22. pmove is listed in many default setups of cvars for sof2. It is not a bannable offense but it is kickable.
  23. Willy ... If you don't agree with the rules we abide by here then maybe this is not the place for you. I do what i do because i was asked to by a friend. And that is none of your concern ultimately. All you needed to do was exactly what i said in the beginning which was to update your information. I told you this directly by email. And no i don't want any pk3's from you for "viewing" demos with.
  24. Spoke with os bitch at length about this matter last night plus a few other things of interest to us both. He knows that he and willy are welcome here and understand my position on the way i handle validating accounts for pbbans. I appreciate all the effort that everyone has put into assisting me in verifying this information is true and accurate.
  25. Hi os, I'm the person in charge of validating that the information put into the members profiles here is accurate and up to date. I hear what your saying but i'd prefer to see it in writing on the os website in some form or another. I have no other means of verifying it. You are listed on the website as a member not the server admin. Willy is listed as retired. If you guys are trying to prove that what you say is true. Please update your roster to verify what you say is true. Or send your clan admin over here to do so please.
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