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Everything posted by powerbits_pbs

  1. i posted a question regarding help for streaming my server...now i cant read it anymore due to permission? https://www.pbbans.com/forums/server-help-t204827.html
  2. ok thanks , we removed him from the clan and do hope he is able to clear himself..but in the mean time he is suspended
  3. Hi My name is Frank aka Powerbits , clanleader now for 10 years with the PBS GAMETEAM , www.pbsgameteam.com Not sure if this is the right place to post, but there arent many places i can for the moment? We have a new recruit member called PT_Profaci who we discovered has a PBBAN , see also: http://metabans.com/player?i=IvHQ and the PBBANS data is: <PBBans.com> Player PT_Profaci (715b656a) banned for AIMBOT (59127) My question to PBBANS is , can you please check if this is valid as he claims its not and done some appeals against it... Second, wat are the consequenses for us as a clan... is PBBANS requesting us to remove this player?
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