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Everything posted by InVnerable

  1. Thanks for the reply. Some times ago it was appearing but now no. Make sure that you and your team can fix this situations because this can wake up several dogs that are using this error like an excuse to play on banned servers Best regards.
  2. Hello there Gentlemens! The reason i'm creating this topic is because an observation that my person did few days ago. Basically i know 2 players that im going to list here that are globally banned on PunkBuster, and when i try to use your service (PBBANS) to check em' i don't see them like global ban. The picture down below is a player called DuanesGT, i took this picture on december 14, and right now if you look this player it doesn't appear like this one. Also there was a player linked with this account name "TopKekAvenger" that was globally banned too, and his main account "Superxtaid", TopkekAvenger doesn't appear anymore, but Superxtaid it appears here. I worry if this is an error from your service or maybe PBBANS is cleaning or deleting those ban. Let me know and or post someone if this is happening with players that you know. Best regards
  3. Hi there. I'm Co-Admin on the server iFly Vanilla Maps. I apologize if im using the wrong forum or category, but i need to make an consult. I have this player reported as cheater: Battlefield Profile and here you can click to check all the suspicious data on 24/7 Fairplay. Basically when i click on 247fairplay this PBBans link, is not showing anydata about this one. If you can provide me some informations, pictures to proof that this one is a hacker. I'll Appreciate it. Thank you so much. Best regards
  4. Thank you for the info. May you provide me his guid to check the ban?
  5. Hello there. Im admin on the iFly Server BF3 server. i have an user that is banned permanently and globally banned on BAttlefield 3. here is the username http://battlelog.battlefield.com/bf3/soldier/xSky_Noobx/stats/1060158588/pc/ please send me his GUID to check at pbbans. THank you ^_^
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