so your saying that wasnt you i caught in the wp server? also tbc is ran by us too im sure i can dig it up if u think its an error but i highly doubt it is.
maybe this isnt the place but it is raised here . how do i get that to work i registered our clan but the details r vague at best how to do it. help JOHNNY lol
yea maroone is a hack maker/user and you shared your key with him i dont know how you got it unbanned but ill get it rebanned. already posted about it at the other site so we will see. you shouldnt share your key lol especially with him lmfao.
no one will change what you said but let me get this right your saying thats not you in that screenie? b.s. and we have no need for your aimbots or hacks send them to eb if you really wanna do the right thing.