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Cobraderra [-TOC-]

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Everything posted by Cobraderra [-TOC-]

  1. Don't be so quick to interpret good ratios as cheating ... even with a new player. Some folks are quick learners and getting good ratios on a packed server is not that hard to do.
  2. Yup, 1.04 is out with source and 1.05 is already being worked on. http://forums.vugames.com/thread.jspa?thre...=22714&tstart=0
  3. For those that do not know yet. http://www.evenbalance.com/index.php?page=support-fear.php
  4. Cobraderra [-TOC-]


    I think you may need to type those commands into the SCMD from within the game. Can't do much from the server console I'm afraid. It is possible that you may need to make sure the pbsv.cfg file has been created. In SCMD type PB_SV_WriteCfg to create the cfg. Then enter the commands you want and assuming you get no errors, re-run the command PB_SV_WriteCfg to update the new setting to the cfg.
  5. Just a few I pulled out real quick. And last one I just threw in for fun ... bet you never thought an AK could that ;)
  6. It sounds like there might be a permissions problem at the place where you rent your server from. Try and add the player manually to the sysop.cfg by downloading it to your PC, edit it and then upload again. I assume you have FTP access? I must admit that on the odd occasion I have also had a problem but just copy the info across from the clan.cfg, thats assuming the one you want to add is a clan member. Format should be: - 78CD479F6F3BC0A0249619087F****** COBRAderra [-TOC-] D02F35ED3FAAC8C459BC773AFE****** UK Style [-TOC-] 72DE33491E7773E6CDD5E27EC2****** Fatdaddy [-TOC-] 6D13AE85C324F3238088DC54A5****** Wynch [-TOC-] B9F3A1CAF947FC7A8267B3F23E****** Highlander [-TOC-]
  7. hehe ... good point :)
  8. Its always tricky when you are pointing a finger at someone close to home. Having gone through this very early on in our clan I would urge caution on your part. We had the guy whos server we used to play on and his cyber buddy accuse one of our clan members of cheating without even a shred of tangible evidence. They ended up leaving the clan and taking the server with them because they made such a mess of things. It left a very bitter taste in everyones mouth because of what they did and it was done for no other reason other than they kept getting owned by this player ... as did we all. Be absolutely sure of your facts and evidence before you bring this to anyones attention in your clan. Make sure you are not just sore at getting kiiled once too often ;) BTW, the player in question was my 13 year old son who is now close on 18 and still owns me all the time :rolleyes:
  9. Hey Bob, its been a while man. We went through all sorts of trouble because the fool who's server we used ran off with it. Grabbed his toys and wouldn't let us play anymore ... lol. We now have a kick ass dedicated box and running 2 SOF2 servers and a FEAR server from the same box. I will catch up on stuff in the forums and setup streaming again.
  10. We don't stream anymore, but here is a PB SS I took today. Obvious name.
  11. I have not been her for ages so the changes are a real big surprise to me. Good job as always. PBBANS.COM rocks.
  12. You will find it under the Master Player Index forums ... if you have access to those forums.
  13. I will sort out the required information when I get back home. [-TOC-] is in on this.
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