Okay, I posted on this a lonnnnng time ago, about getting the pbsv.dat and pbsv.cfg to not overwrite log files. Thought I had it all happy, but I've noticed recently when I import the logs via AliasFinder MS, there are a crapload of logs being duped. This is what I currently have set:
pb_sv_LogSync 0 //[0=No, 1=Yes (default=0)]
pb_sv_LogCeiling 10000000 //[High log filename serial #]
pb_sv_ssnext 757
pb_sv_lognext 1051
(With the extra characters at the end there)
Now, my log files currently go up to 00001315, but the 00001050 is the most recent one. So I know for a fact it's overwriting the next consecutive log etc etc etc.
So, wtf? :angry: :banghead: