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Everything posted by -7-Slappy

  1. If you know the server admins, can't they remove the ban themselves? Although, if it's a global ban, I think your only option is to approach EvenBalance directly with your GUID number probably and see what they have to say. Maybe it's a known bug from a vid driver or something & the ban is bogus...
  2. "Yeah, hello - EvenBalance? I'd like a refund for a piece of software that I didn't pay for. Well, you see - my dog installed this hack without me knowing..." :roll:
  3. I'll get the clans we're friendly with to help out if possible. Some of them enjoy 24/7 activity on their ET servers, so it should be a good workout for ya! Is ours still reporting as it should? Hopefully ET Pro 3 didn't bork anything. Let me know if I need to change a cfg or something.
  4. Yeah, so here's the deal. My grandmother was visiting last week, and she had a sudden urge to do some wanton killing in the middle of the night. Well, not being any good she found an aimbot & installed it without me knowing and now I'm globally banned. Wtfomg?? :roll:
  5. One of the more creative excuses I've heard though. Kudos!
  6. So, I guess that entry will go back into the Unofficial Ban List section eh?
  7. The violation was documented in our sv_cheat.log, as well as the pbsv log. Screenshots in PB are notoriously buggy & prone to error. None of the existing Punkbuster enforcement sites (at least for ET) require them as conclusive proof, even though they are nice to have. Stick a fork in it - this is done.
  8. Agreed. Just because a player happened to "forget" to disable a cheat they knowingly installed before hitting a PB server doesn't exlude them from the consequences.
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