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Everything posted by ins0mniac|sH

  1. lol, not heard that one before...nice 1 Vladx ;)
  2. Best way to think of PB is like an Anti-Virus, the scum will keep on being produced but those guys over at EB will combat it with new updates.
  3. np. your welcome to visit here just keep in mind our forum rules.
  4. If your willing to help the anit-cheat movement dont give the lowlifes a head start by linking any cheats here.
  5. k, well, you want my view? This is something or nothing, im guessing the guys over at eb are working on this right now, No hack that becomes public stays around for long, its all down to another fool sitting around wasting his time creating things that spoil our fair game. But dont despair... PB will prevail ;)
  6. Gamehack is your reason, Im sure you know what a gamehack is if you had one to be kicked with. What game would this be for?
  7. think you got us confused with evenbalance.
  8. ya might have slipped through the nets, maybe you didnt fully qualify.. find out by e-mailing - [email protected]
  9. sign up an post in the sof2 section, then we can talk summore ;) Glad to have ya onboard.
  10. ya but then fresh rookie's to the game wouldnt get a chance to connect to your server an change it. imo when a player calls himself "noob" its always summin dodgy :lol:
  11. extreme caution is taken when people register, when you apply here everything you say is fully checked to see if your telling the truth.. then we only accept entrys which are backed up from server logs or w/e, we have a trusted circle of admin... so theres no likelyhood of your senario ;)
  12. we dont care who/what/which person was using your CD-key/GUID at the time of it being busted all we care that it gets banned for known use of cheating... if we let you off cos it was ur buddy an not you im sure we wouldnt have a respectable banlist.
  13. ok my input I dont know you or care who you are, so on, as for this Moron... I thought it was vertz aka solo, like bob said in his 1st posts so dont speak 2 me that way moron , go play on the limited number of servers you can still get into.
  14. oops that was me :lol:
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