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Everything posted by PBStaff_Ken

  1. You should fill out a support ticket here: http://www.evenbalance.com/troubleticket/n...php?game=crysis Ken
  2. Correct, If you see ADMIN DECISION the admin of the server kicked or banned you, not us.
  3. AHK should not cause gamehook violations.
  4. You're better off playing on a server where the PB is up to date. Servers that are not up to date are not taking full advatage of PB.
  5. Hello, If you would like to report hack sites etc. directly to us at EvenBalance, you can email [email protected] Ken
  6. Please make sure your PunkBuster is up to date by running PBsetup. You can find it here: http://www.evenbalance.com/index.php?page=pbsetup.php
  7. We will support SOF2 as long as our services are needed by Raven/Activision. It is ultimately up to them to decide when PB support will end.
  8. Hello, You may want to try to re-install the game and update your PB again.
  9. You should fill out a trouble ticket with us here: http://www.evenbalance.com/troubleticket
  10. The first thing you should do is make sure your PB is up to date using the PBSETUP application. You get it here: http://www.evenbalance.com/index.php?page=pbsetup.php Give that a try and see what happens.
  11. It sound like you misconfigured your cvar checks and TK settings.You should recheck your PB configs.
  12. If you experience strange sound problems in BF2: Make a backup of your current pbcl.dll in the BF2/pb folder, and then replace the file with this one: http://web1.evenbalance.com/downloads/bf2/pbcl.dll This may fix the sound issue.
  13. Good luck over there, all of us over at EvenBalance hope to hear from you soon.
  14. Regardless of what PBBans does as far as adding someone to their banlist for "testing" a hack, we at EvenBalance are very clear on the matter. DO NOT TEST CHEATS- If you get caught using a cheat that violates our EULA, you will either be GUID or Hardware banned. It it extremely unlikely that any ban we impose will be lifted simply bacause someone claims to be testing a cheat. This has long been our policy.
  15. Yes, Its quite good :)
  16. Are you still having the problem? Is so, fill out a troubleticket here: www.evenbalance.com/troubleticket
  17. You can also fill out a support ticket here: https://ssl.evenbalance.com/troubleticket/index.php?game=et
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