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About BlackViper

- Birthday 03/21/1979
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Miami Nights (mp_miami) has been taken out of the league...... the texturing on the bushes is not worked on properly and if u look through the bushes at houses, u can actually see thru the houses. :blink: Shame really cos decent map, but well spotted Firestorm. Find anything else let me know.
ok 2 links now in case downloads get overloaded. Map link 1 Map link 2
could have changed position in the ss due to him reloading or something like that. That crosshair so looks like the 1 i made for myself about a year ago, gave it to bout 5 good friends.....maybe someone created a similar 1 or my one still floating about LOL
Yes pra3 does work fire lol, dunno if the file may be corrupt in the download tho, anyone else have problems? As for wallhack effect on miami, can u take a couple of screenies or meet me on my server and show me...... becos when myself an HCK Cavie looked around it, we didnt see a prob. Obviously any problems with maps like this an we will have to take them out or speak with the creators bout it, only wallhack effect i found on a map was Jor8, but u needed a boost to get there and boosting will be prohibited....so Almost finished the league rules, ladder rules and the cheating rules so i dont know if i should post them here or wait until the site is up and running. Hopefully next week, come on nutter bro, pull yer finger out LOL
Coolio, always a good sign when a clan like 27th pay an interest :) If clans would like to have a look at the maps we have so far chosen, then please download from this link CustomMaps Rules are 3 quarters finished and will post a zip file here for ppl to download and read :) If at any time you disagree with a certain rule with good reason, please let me know......want to make this as fun as possible but also as secure as poss too.
mp_italy has been added to every ladder mentioned above. mp_shop2003v2 has been added to every ladder mentioned above. mp_finca_dem1 has been added to demolition ladder. Altho basically jus a remake of finca especially for dem, I can see it being a fantastic map in this ladder.
OK a map list to wet the apetites :P So far these have been given the thumbs up by various players CTF Jor8 Pra3 Prison MIF_Kam2 Western2 Beachinvasion2 Mc_Do Miami Miami3 INF Jor8 Pra3 Prison MIF_Kam2 Western2 Beachinvasion2 Miami Miami3 ELIM Pra3 Prison MIF_Kam2 Western2 Beachinvasion2 Mc_do Miami Miami3 DEM Pra3 Beachinvasion2 Miami Miami3 TDM Pra3 MIF_Kam2 Western2 Beachinvasion2 Mc_do Miami Miami3 VIP Jor8 Pra3 Prison MIF_Kam2 Western2 Mc_Do Miami Miami3 Obviously for gametypes that only have 7 or less maps we will be looking for others....the main thing we are trying to achieve is consistency in the maps...i.e 1 map can be played by at least 3 gametypes. The maps listed above have been accepted and will be used. Will put a link for a single download to get em all on the league website as soon as it is up and running :)
RocMod isnt in the plans .... for now..... it will be osp orientated in normal damage to start with............ rocmod+ real damage will be reviewed when we get enuff ppl asking for it. From feedback from alot of my contacts, the main appeal to this league is obviously the better banlist and also the fact that there are a lot of custom maps going into the ladders. So much so that I am actually seriously considering making it custom map ladders only, like italy, vok and the like. The maplist I have so far from ppl on my msn are as follows. Vok = TDM Italy = CTF Miami = INF Graveyard = Elim and CTF subway = CTF Sniper city = Elim and TDM tb_Highwire 2 = TDM MIF Kam2 = TDM and CTF MIF DAM = Inf Jordan Nightz = ctf Any other ideas or comments on what i have mentioned on the above, either map suggestions or anything to do with rocmod/osp and custom maps only would be most appreciated. **Edit** If it does become apparent that ppl are getting bored with official maps and would like a league or just a ladder with custom only, will need about 20 diff map suggestions that cover all the gametypes. Having only 2 or 3 maps for each gametype is not really good enough variety lol
Thx for the feedback firestorm.... really good of u to publicise the league in yer forums.... any more suggestions for game rules, server rules, etc etc post em here . :)
ok so 5v5 ctf, 5v5 dem and 1on1 will be ladders to open with.....maybe. Tbh i was hoping to get a bit more positive feedback from a collection of ppl, no offence to Bollockchops or firestorm, your views and support is invaluable to us....but what about other european teams who use pbbans? Have you any input into this discussion? No one is going to get flamed for posting here, we are just trying to gather as much info as possible from POTENTIAL sign ups..... just because you suggest something it does not make us automatically think you will sign up for definate. We just want as many views on any subject about this new league so we can build a big positive picture to aim for when the league eventually opens. :) Without a collection of views and opinions, we cannot possibly nurture this idea into working, functional site that appeals to a wide selection of clans. So please, no matter how trivial you think your idea, suggestion may be, please post :)
psssst, still need input on rules (serverside) and maps lol. We are also currently working on setting up a 1on1 ladder which is very popular over at CB. We hoping to open the doors with 3 ladders active. Which ladders would most ppl like to see? 1on1 2v2 ctf 3v3 cft 5v5 (6v6) ctf 2v2 inf 3v3 inf 5v5 (6v6) inf 2v2 elimination 3v3 elim 5v5 (6v6) elim 2v2 demolitition 3v3 dem 5v5(6v6) dem 2v2 tdm 3v3 tdm 5v5 (6v6) tdm 2v2 VIP 3v3 VIP 5v5 (6v6) VIP 5v5 (6v6) Classic ctf Eventually, if all things go well, we will be including all ladders...... but which would interest ppl most at the moment?
lol firestorm, np....i jus been told by my brother that he has a much better nuke.php which is going to replace the existing 1 we have....this allows multiple ladders, allows easy demo submittance to users, a more user friendly interface, quicker and more reliable match arranging, yadda yadda..... he ironing out the bugs now but it looks better, responds better an hopefully will be awesome. Will post here when it is completed and also uploaded onto the webpage.
Bollockchops asked what the leagues stance is on cheating in the ladders, i replied..... it isnt about how many we can catch, its about keeping it fair, fun and most of all enjoyable. The main point of me posting here is because I want a league that utilizes and works closely with the Master Player Index (MPI) and with pbbans admins. Think you mis-read the thread m8. Moving on, need suggestions on gameplay rules and also custom maps for official matches. So far Dust and Italy are included.
Just played against you on yer server bollockchops...thought u had to get amazing kills to be accused of aimbot, or even 1 kill lololol ;) Jokin m8
bollockchops, couldnt add you to msn because its not related to an msn account. [email protected] the cheating rules so far. 1. Any player caught cheating is suspended from play whilst they appeal to pbbans. If the appeal is granted, they may resume play after 2 days. If appeal refused they are immediately removed and banned from the league. 2. Master Player Index (MPI) must be used in all matches, and all servers must be streaming directly to pbbans. 3. The clan involved with the cheater will lose the match by forfeit and will gain 1 black mark, three marks and the clan is deleted. If the leader is caught cheating, no matter how many marks, the clan is deleted. 4. Demo's must be recorded by all players and be submitted to the league straight after matches. If anyone can think of anything i have overlooked, please help lol.