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Everything posted by <<{BLS}>>Rave

  1. Thanks for your comment.
  2. Nice to see you are up to date on this issue Bob and Johnny. Thanks for all the work that you do.
  3. Yes, it would be nice to live in a perfect world where no game cheats exist...but alas, it is an impossibilty. You touched on a perfect solution for your dilema. While newer hacks come out all the time that are not detected by pb for a bit till they are discovered and dealt with, you have the abilty to catch and ban these hackers through pb. So in effect, PB is working against these guys while the hacks still get past the software, all you have to do is get a pb screener or a demo with eveidence of the cheat and the admission made by this guy and add him to your pb ban list via the ban command. Even better, submit him to an anti cheat site like this, and then poof...another hacker bites the dust, and he won't be on your server again till he gets a hold of a new game. That is the true purpose of anti cheat sites like this...to work at filling in the holes in the software to still get rid of the cheats as we find them. And by sharing our bans, we work together to deliver a consolidated blow to the hacking community.
  4. There is no software out there in the world that works on everything. Whether it be anti-virus, a firewall, or anything else that a computer may run. And the fact that the software is in place, doesn't mean that it can just be left to work on it's own. If you look at Punk Buster, there are a number of tools available to help admins catch cheaters that the system is not catching. Like any other piece of software, it needs to be manually kept up to date, and the available tools must be utilized in order to provide the best possible protection. Please realize that there is no "magic way" to install software on a server, and then just live in a totally cheat free enviroment. It is this way in online gaming, just as it is in everything else in the world. The purpose of pbbans.com is to work together in order to provide the best protection we can by making sure that we all keep eachother up to date on new cheat issues and anti-cheat software, and that we share our catches with eachother to keep hackers off our servers once they are caught so they cannot just upgrade to a new undetectable cheat each time they are caught with the one that Punk Buster has figured out or added to their code. As far as Punk Buster not being worth a "ratt's hairy ass"? I would have to disagree since the amount of cheaters on our servers has decreased exponentially since we enabled and updated it properly along with using the MBI here at pbbans.com. And through the use of the various tools available in Punk Buster, more cheats are removed all the time. You just have to understand how to properly configure and utilize the system in order to notice the big difference it makes. While not perfect, our clan's opinion of it is that it is the best tool out there presently to achieve as cheat free servers as possible.
  5. It is nice to see that the "younger brother" excuse is still alive and kicking. I have no idea where these weirdos come up with the argument that someone else got on their computer. If you can't even protect yourself from family, then maybe he needs to spend less time gaming and more time developing better interpersonal skills within his family so they can become a properly functioning family unit. And it is always hilarious when they threaten to sue right after they admit that a hack was used on their equipment. He admits the hack was in place, yet refers to himself as innocent...has anyone heard that before???
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