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Everything posted by <<{BLS}>>Rave

  1. Well, think of this. FEAR didn't get popular as a Multiplayer game till it was given out for free. I myself love the game and own a few copies of all the releases, but as far as the marketplace, it just didn't take off. I mean, even when it became a free Multiplayer game, it still only had around 700 servers online. Hate to say it, but our love for the game just didn't pass on to the gaming community as a whole. Hell, with 20,000 servers for CSS and COD4, and even 2000 servers for DODS, Fear fell far short. Even SOF2 still has around 500 servers after all these years. I too am sad that FEAR didn't go big, as I personally think it is in the top 6 games that has come out over the past 7 years. Perseus Mandate rocks, hopefully a miracle will take place and they will put out a Linux DED file for it. Not holding my breath, Raven
  2. Any anti-cheat software running all on it's own is going to be only so effective in catching cheats. It is the user tools that PunkBuster offers that makes it the best anti-cheat software out there. For the cheats that it doesn't catch itself, there are the cvar checks and the md5 tool checks that catch a huge number of those remaining cheats. And then there is the PB Screenshot function, which allows you to see what the actual player is being sent on their display. This function alone has made PB revolutionary in catching cheaters as now all the wallhacks, models hacks, and cheat menus are now plainly seen by the server admins. It is the use of these tools provided by PunkBuster that makes PB the anti-cheat tool of choice for gamers. Best software out there hands down, no competition. I have yet to see one person caught by VAC while gaming, Valves anti-cheat software. I have seen numerous people caught by PB in SOF@ for the first time. While I don't see PB catching those that are obviously cheating in FEAR, there is a PB Screenshot capability which enables admins to actively check for cheaters. The only thing saving VAC games is that cheats are so easily noticable when playing, and the fact that communities are now forming that porduce ban lists for those submitted by demo. Just imagine the increased number of catches that we would see if there was a screenshot capabitlity in that game as well.
  3. Gotcha. Well, something must be amiss, cause I have tried the pbsv.cfg that was listed earlier here, but alas, no screeners. Where are they supposed to be created? I have a /fear/pb/svss folder but it remains empty. In SOF2 it creates a .sof folder alongside the SOF folder where it has a pb/svss folder where they are created. Is the FEAR/pb/svss folder the right directory for these screenshots to be created in, or is there something that isn't working right that maybe the reason they are not showing up? Any other ideas? Kinda running out of them on this side. Thanks for all your help so far.
  4. It is a linux server unit that the Fear server is running on...will that make any difference? I notice the mention of Win32 at the top of that list. Let me know, and I'll give it a go. Thank you for your post.
  5. Ok, got the webtool working, and did a few updates and restarts. Everytime I do issue one of those commands from the commands page, it says command issued, but then I only get black pages when I try and use the webtool more. Even if I try and go back to it from a new browser window, I have to actually restart the server in order to get back into the webtool. Any ideas why that is? Screeners still aren't being created though either.
  6. Ok, where is this console that I type anything in? I mean isn't everything for the SCMD done with the "say" command? And if you meant type it into the "say" command after logging into SCMD, what am I missing cause each time I try that it says "not a command" and gives me the list of available SCMD commands? I am new to Fear servers, but I admin SOF2 servers all the time and am very familiar with pb there and the console commands, just have never found a console to type in commands on our Fear servers. I do have full access to the server as it is a server unit that I own, and have restarted the server many times. I will try the webtool, but I do have a feeling that it isn't going to be the issue as each time I do start the server, it does start logging and the entire cfg file does load according to the pblog. Anything else I maybe missing here?
  7. I need to add the line pb_sv_restart to the .cfg file? Cause as far as I know there isn't a way to issue commands in the server.
  8. Hello. I added a config to the pb folder and the command pb_dv_load for the pbsvuser.cfg. It seems that the md5 tool is working the logs show the checksums. The problem I am having is that the autoscreeners aren't showing up in the svss folder. I am using a pbsvgame.cfg, and have tried using a pbsv.cfg, but neither has worked. Also, was wondering how you can use commands in the server since it uses the SCMD. hl2sw maybe? Here is the config i'm using. pb_sv_MaxDlRate 4 //[KB/sec requested per file (default=4)] pb_sv_MaxConDls 5 //[concurrent downloads (default=1)] pb_sv_KickLen 2 //[minutes (default=2)] pb_sv_CvarFreq 6 //[# of range checks per minute] pb_sv_CvarLogging 1 //[1=Reg. Log, 2=Var Log, 3=Both, 0=Neither] pb_sv_CvarWalk 1 //[0=disabled, 1-4=Walk through obtained Cvar lists] pb_sv_CvarUserPulse 99 //[How often (in min.) to auto-send CvarUser command] pb_sv_CvarChangedPulse 99 //[How often (in min.) to auto-send CvarChanged command] pb_sv_CQC 1 //[0=No, 1=Yes (default=1)] pb_sv_LogSync 0 //[0=No, 1=Yes (default=0)] pb_sv_LogCeiling 1000 //[High log filename serial #] pb_sv_SsFloor 1 //[Low screenshot filename serial #] pb_sv_SsCeiling 1000 //[High screenshot filename serial #] pb_sv_SsCmd "" //[Filename of system command to run after screenshots] pb_sv_SsWidth 320 //[Requested pixel width of remote screenshots] pb_sv_SsHeight 240 //[Requested pixel height of remote screenshots] pb_sv_SsXpct 50 //[Percentage across screen for remote screenshots] pb_sv_SsYpct 50 //[Percentage down screen for remote screenshots] pb_sv_SsSrate 1 //[sample Rate for remote screenshots] pb_sv_SsDelay 0 //[Maximum delay client waits before capturing screenshot] pb_sv_SsPath "" //[Path where remote screenshots are saved] pb_sv_AutoSsFrom 60 //[Minimum # of seconds to wait before requesting next ss] pb_sv_AutoSsTo 1200 //[Maximum # of seconds to wait before requesting next ss] pb_sv_AutoSs 1 //[0=No, 1=Yes (default=0)] pb_sv_Sleep 60 //[# of Milliseconds (default=60)] pb_sv_PowerMin 10 //[power points] pb_sv_PowerDef 1 //[power points] pb_sv_PowerKickLen 5 //[minutes (default=5)] pb_sv_scoreKick 0 //[minimum score (negative)] pb_sv_changePeriod 999 //[seconds] pb_sv_changeMax 1 //[max name changes allowed] pb_sv_dupNameGrace 0 //[seconds] pb_sv_autoUpdBan 0 //[0=No, 1=Yes (default=0)] pb_sv_extChar 0 //[0=No, 1=Yes (default=0)] pb_sv_guidRelax 0 //[1=UNKN, 2=WRONGIP, 4=DUP (add desired values)] pb_sv_load pbsvuser.cfg
  9. <<{BLS}>><CL>Raven here. First, I have noticed that one of our servers is listed twice on the MSI. The is listed twice. Additionally, I have a client that wishes to start streaming. Please set up an account and send me the info and I'll get their server streaming and send you the ip and title. Thank you, <<{BLS}>><CL>Raven
  10. Unfortunately, there is no way to validate that this is the same guy in each instance. Without PB Log info, you are just left with a name that anyone can put in. While we are working to ban cheaters, we do require a PB generated GUID. That is what we ban on, not names since anyone can type in any name that they want. Additionally, we are not concerned with NON PB Servers. They choose not to run PB, and are therefore inviting the cheaters to come to their server. As long as they stay off of PB servers that we run, we are happy. My advice to you would be to find some PB Enabled servers to do your gaming on, or to convince the admin of that server to eneble PB and to join us here at pbbans.com.
  11. LMFAO...now that is funny shit. Thanks for the comic relief!!!
  12. You think he is being sarcastic? Lol, and yeah, the "dicksmoker" comment made my day as well.
  13. Now that is the right thing to do Vlad. Testing out hacks is out of the question; for one it is cheating, and second there are some hacks that actually steal your personal information and send it to the programmer. Best advice here is to avoid cheats as they bring nothing but trouble. Sending them to Even Balance is awesome...keep up the good work.
  14. If you play SOF2, all of the <<{BLS}>> servers run up-to-date ban lists, PB tools, and are closely monitored for cheating.
  15. Yeah, with a nick like that you figure he would expect not to be taken seriously. No need for a refund, as PB isn't mandatory to run on your server. Problem solved, disable it on your server. As for us, we'll keep ours running cause it works fine for us, and have never heard of the "blue screen of death" coming up for PB. How do you know it is PB, you running PB by itself? Kinda hard since it runs in conjuntion with the game. If you have issues with Blue Screening, then may I suggest a look into your OS. Blue Screening is the result of OS failures, so that might be a place to start.
  16. Noone here is disrespecting you. People here are just explaining to you that the "I was testing hacks" is one of the more popular excuses people use when they get caught hacking. And another thing, you came here to ask about an issue, maybe give the members here a little respect when they take the time to respond to you instead of getting all pissy.
  17. The person here is mistaken about PB Global Bans. He says that they are for people that admins catch getting past PB. This is not true. PB created the ban itself, and the causes for this include leaked cd keys and attempting to or actually hacking the PB software itself. Admins and anti-cheat sites have nothing to do with catching something that PB missed in this case. I don't even think Even Balance adds Global Bans for actual hacking in the game since none of the submissions I make to the MBI here are kicked via PB without running the MBI. Cheat kicks are simply initiated through the software, and not added to the Global Ban list. If you have a Globan Ban, then most likely you have a leaked CD key, or have tried to or have hacked PB software in the past. Even Balance is usually really good about explaining the issues with people added to their Globan Ban list, and they may explain it to you if you contact them.
  18. Can't recall what post was here that you removed. Just curious.
  19. Can someone explain the Mac/Linux problem with the "xinterface" cheat pulls. Lists them as Game Hacks? Are they not valid cheat pulls? Next, what is the term "Game Hook"? I work on SOF2 servers and have never seen that one before. Is there this type of offense in SOF2? And finally, another new term that I haven't seen before. "Speed Hack". Like I said, I work on SOF2 servers and haven't noticed that term in the list of offense groups; is there a "Speed Hack" issue in SOF2?
  20. Yep, a Game Hack is anything that alters the game to give the user an advantage, and it is definately a cheat. The things that fall into this catergory are like Willy said, anti-recoil files, and also external programs being run that exploit known bugs in the game. The message "Unk/Auth Guid" is for those that are attemption to use CD key generators to pirate games. And the message "Globan Ban" is set for people using CD keys that have been known to be "leeked" as well as far those that have been caught trying to hack the PB software itself.
  21. You are 100% right Rob. Our servers had PB disabled when I first met you, and it was because people had no faith in it cause alot of hacks made it through. It was the introduction to the many tools, custom configurations, and the MBI that got my clan back on board. PB is a great tool in my opinion, but you have to be active in cheat enforcement for it to work efficiently.
  22. I think I would have to agree with Johnny, it seems that this guy is pro-cheat as he seems to be complaining that we are "a small step behind" the hackers. What would he have us do...it would be like doctors and researchers just retiring because there are new diseases being discovered and they would be "a small step behind" them. I doubt that people would want this to happen as they are apprecitative for the technology that we have, even with the limitations.
  23. Like you said, the connection, location, and hardware associated with the server dictates the quality of the server. If PB being enabled is showing signs of lag, it is definealty a situation of the server connection, location, and hardware not being able to handle the extra bandwidth. Remember that it is not PB causing the lag, but the servers limitations being visualized due to the extra things going on with the game software. Just wanted to make that note since the discussion has come up many times with server admins that I have talked to.
  24. If he reentered his CD Key and now it is not coming up as a PB Global Ban, it should be fine. It has been described as a known glitch, and if it was an actual PB Global Ban, reentering the CD Key would not have allowed him to get on since the Ban would have still been in place via Even Balance.
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