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Everything posted by WPony93

  1. Topic Title: Hub Game: COD2 Clantag; zG| Topic Title: Hub Game: COD2 Clantag; zG| Topic Title: Hub Game: COD2 Clantag; zG| Topic Title: Hub Game: COD2 Clantag; zG| Topic Title: Hub Game: COD2 Clantag; zG|
  2. Topic Title: Hub Game: SOF2 Clantag; zG| Thanks Guys, and Gals :)
  3. Topic Title: Hub Game: Soldier Of Fortune II Clantag; zG| Yes, Pony is back into SOF2 xfire = pony931 Clan = Zebgamers Site = www.zebgamers.com
  4. Need both set up :)
  5. just updated the server and now get this when I do pb_sv_load pbsv.cfg PB UCON Profile not added due to duplicate profile name (pbbans)
  6. IP: Port: 28960 Game: COD2 tags:--A-- Stream type,Hub Please
  7. Or you could just get HLSW
  8. Ok, did all that you said and got the results that were need. BTW game is COD2
  9. [CHI]CTF: Sponsored by SpawnServers tags rF| [CHI]SD: Sponsored by SpawnServers TAGS rF| *)T$G(* Recruting S3 TAGS *)T$G(* *)T$G(* SPONSORED BY SPAWNSERVERS.com TAGS *)T$G(* Hud streaming please
  10. Server IP: Ripped Fusion CTF Server Port : :28960 Game : COD2 Clan Tag : RF| Co-Admin : wpony93 Server IP: Ripped Fusion SnD Server Port : :28960 Game : COD2 Clan Tag : RF| Co-Admin : wpony93
  11. cg_hudcompasssoundfadetime, game sets this to default of 2 PB kicks for setting being on 2 wants set to 0 Everytime I change it in my cfg it just goes right back to 2 as that would be the default setting. Any help here?
  12. I thought I had my servers set up on the 12th, do not see them on the streaming page.
  13. Think this will work for now. Waiting on the MD5 tool to be updated :)
  14. Come on, get on the ball. Hackers running the show.
  15. Agree, this site is like home away from home.
  16. Sweet, I was 5300.
  17. :MB:Volfin, sry about the noob comment. It just pissed me off that I was trying to help someone and they post the cfg. Thats not a big deal, because now I will know for sure it s a cool cfg. The part of leaving my name and all my binds in there was bs. In this game , all honest players are trying to find a way to compete with the hackers and the good players. To me the only way is to get the best out of my equipment. Volfin, you already know I don't hack. Please have a look at it. I enjoy this game a lot and if you guys find anything let me know. I will more then gladly change it. Only took me 2 months to write it and keep it hack free. Plus they could have just emailed to you guys.
  18. wow, you people are real noobs. I wrote this cfg to enhance my pc performance. And as pointed out there are no hacks in it people. As to the asshole who I tried to help, FU. wtf is com_mapfps "+" you can set this to 125 for the best fps rate, if you set it as I have it you will get the same as lag spikes when your refresh hits. I yet to understand how to stop it. bind MOUSE1 "+attack; +lookdown;wait 1;+lookup;wait 1;+lookdown" and no this is not a no=recoil hack. I have used this cfg for over a yr, and so have a lot of other people. Other then the stupid r_drawfog=4 (which is a single playcvar) there is nothing in this cfg that is hack. the lean comds lock you in a lean postion, its one of the oldest cmds in this game. This cfg is posted in -=CF=- private forums, so whome ever I trusted this with is an idiot. Glad they at least took my name out of it. 2/3rds of you people seeing this for the first time have seen me in your server several times. try the cfg. You will see how good your pc's is, not how good of a hack I am. "i've never understood why someone would want to take someones cfg and use it.... tweak your own cfg to your own needs... i know if i all of a sudden used that cfg, and when i 'scroll wheel down' and my crosshair is changing, i'd be confused as hell." Its not confusing, it is set like this so I can use TS and get an upclose look with a weapon ment to be used upclose. and as you said "tweak your own cfg to your own needs... " is what I did. my pc's req and my cordination reqt's. Like I said feel free to try, you guys all know I don't hack, and you may finally get the most out of the $ you spent on those vidio cards. This game is 1/2 skill and 1/2 equipment, at least I don't hack.
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