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could an admin please check my cod5 server as it seems to keep losing the steam, ive done the webtool thingy afew times now to get it running again but this time it dont wanna start back up...


Cheers :)

Posted (edited)

yes i am m8, what am I doing wrong?


added ya to xfire aswell if thats ok :)

Edited by =S*E=TomGun

Try to get it streaming via the rcon method detailed here.


You haven't turned off PunkBuster by chance have you?


bloody hope not, ill click that link and try it out cheers :)


Punkbuster seems to be enabled on your server currently.

Since you say it starts streaming and then stops again, make sure the following line is present in your pbsv.cfg:


pb_sv_task 0 7200 pb_sv_ver // Keep-Alive for PBBans Hub


You can find our recommended pbsv.cfg for every game, in our MCI.


Your account currently looks like this:


Team: Solo Elite (S*E)

Account ID: 6811

Streaming Status: Streaming (2 / 4)




Server List


BF2 -

COD4 - (Streaming)

COD4 - (Streaming)




User List


=S*E=TomGun (133708)

=S*E=VipeR (139632)

fulconarrow (128222)

=S*E=HAWK (139558)


Helpful Links:

Account Management

CVAR / MD5 Scans (Setup and Use)

PBBans Hub Flags

Master Player Index

Automated Hub Setup

Not Streaming Fix



Posted (edited)

ok done all that and im always using punkbuster via rcontool so i dont think i turned it off, hopefully it should all sort it now then :)


I have the server set up for auto update for the MCi stuff so that should be fine should it not?

Edited by =S*E=TomGun

just wrote the MCi files to the server, so fingers crossed, not sure why they wernt there but hey lets see what happens and cheers again fellas :)

I have the server set up for auto update for the MCi stuff so that should be fine should it not?


Only CVAR/MD5 checks are automatically updated using those flags, not the pbsv.cfg file.

On top of that, the autoupdate flags are experimental and stop working if the server is restarted. I personally always recommend manual updates every once in a while.

Posted (edited)

aarrhhh ok furry muff ill update manually from now on..


all files uploaded and restarted pb plus just for good meassure done the web tool thingy, not rebooted server tho as its heavin atm :) you guys are welcome to join in :)



Edited by =S*E=TomGun

I think i just realised whats going on, in clanforge it says "pbsv.cfg not safe to use using pbsvuser.cfg instead" so i just copied the text into that 1 :) hopefully this will sort it out


aarrhh also put the MD5check text into pbsvuser.cfg aswell, im either sorting it or stuffing it up totally :P


ok re did all the files as it just says its not safe to use but that dont mean its not using it :P


its still not streaming so i dunno now..


You've updated the hub's IP to reflect the recent change, right? Post up your pbsv.cfg and we can have a look.


You said you ran the webtool? Did it complete without error?

Posted (edited)

i ran the webtool again and these are the text



[iNIT] Opening connection ...

[MSG] Connection opened

[MSG] Checking PB version ( pb_sv_ver )

[RESP] Server replied: Server: PunkBuster Server (v1.723 | A1409 C2.201) Enabled

[MSG] Checking present ucon profiles ( pb_sv_uconlist )

[RESP] Server replied: Server: [slot] [Type] [Mask] [Name]

Server: 1 1 pbbhub1

Server: End of PB UCON Profile List (1 Entry)

[NOTICE] Deleting ucon profile 1 ( pb_sv_ucondel 1 )

[RESP] Server replied: Server: PB UCON Slot #1 deleted

[MSG] Setting sessions limit ( pb_sv_usessionlimit 8 )

[RESP] Server replied: Server: pb_sv_USessionLimit = 8 (0 to 16)

[MSG] Adding ucon profile for PBBans Hub ( pb_sv_uconadd 1 pbbhub1 pbbanshub )

[MSG] Setting pbbans.dat autoupdate ( pb_sv_autoupdban 1 )

Server replied: Server: pb_sv_AutoUpdBan = 1 (0 to 1)

[MSG] Adding heartbeat task ( pb_sv_task 0 3600 pb_sv_ver )

Server replied: Server: PB Scheduled Task Added: 0 3600 pb_sv_ver

[MSG] Saving settings into pbsv.cfg ( pb_sv_writecfg )

[RESP] Server replied: Server: Config File written to C:/games/codwaw/retail/main/24089\pb\pbsv.cfg

[MSG] No error occured during setup. Server should be ready to stream

[MSG] Closing connection ...

[MSG] Connection closed






// *******************************************

// PBBans.com PBSV Config

// Call of Duty World at War

// Last Updated Aug 28th 2009

// *******************************************


; ------------------------------

; General Settings

; ------------------------------

pb_sv_MsgPrefix "^5PunkBuster Server"

pb_sv_MaxDlRate 4 //[KB/sec requested per file (default=4)]

pb_sv_MaxConDls 6 //[Concurrent downloads (default=1)]

pb_sv_MaxSendRate 8 // [speed at which PB Server sends pbcl and pbag updates in KBps (default=8)]

pb_sv_CQC 1 //[0=No, 1=Yes (default=1)]

pb_sv_Sleep 60 //[# of Milliseconds (default=60)]

pb_sv_PowerMin 10 //[Power Points]

pb_sv_PowerDef 1 //[Power Points]

pb_sv_PowerKickLen 5 //[Minutes (default=5)]

pb_sv_DupNameGrace 0 //[seconds]

pb_sv_ExtChar 0 //[0=No, 1=Yes (default=0)]

pb_sv_GuidRelax 0 //[1=UNKN, 2=WRONGIP, 4=DUP (add desired values)]

pb_sv_RconReload 0 //[0=No, 1=Yes (default=0)]

pb_sv_LogSync 0 //[0=No, 1=Yes (default=0)]

pb_sv_AutoUpdBan 1 //[0=No, 1=Yes (default=0)]



; ------------------------------

; Other Settings

; ------------------------------

pb_sv_Restrictions 2 //[Kick for Restrictions 0=No, 1=Yes (default=1) 2=key macro Restrictions]

pb_sv_FileWhitelist "" //[Folder Filename Filename ... Filename]

pb_sv_EmptyName 0 //[0=No, 1=Yes (default=0)]

pb_sv_LogFloor 1 //[Low log filename serial #]

pb_sv_MinName 0 //[Min Characters in Player name (default=0)]

pb_sv_MaxName 0 //[Max Characters in Player name (default=0)]

pb_sv_LanMask "" //[iP Address Mask for LAN Players (default=)]

pb_sv_Lan 0 //[0=No, 1=Yes (default=0)]

pb_sv_ChangePeriod 600 // For pb_sv_ChangeMax

pb_sv_ChangeMax 5 // [Max name changes allowed in pb_sv_ChangePeriod] ex 5 changes in 600 seconds



; ------------------------------

; Kick Settings

; ------------------------------

pb_sv_KickLen 5 //[Minutes (default=2)]

pb_sv_ScoreKick 0 //[Min score (negative) ]

pb_sv_UpdateGrace 2400 //[seconds to wait before Update Failure kick]

pb_sv_NoGuidGrace 10 //[seconds to wait before No GUID kick]



; ------------------------------

; PBSS Settings

; ------------------------------

pb_sv_AutoSs 0 //[0=No, 1=Yes (default=0)]

pb_sv_SsFloor 1 //[Low screenshot filename serial #]

pb_sv_SsCeiling 2000 //[High screenshot filename serial #]

pb_sv_AutoSsFrom 300 //[Min # of seconds to wait before requesting next ss]

pb_sv_AutoSsTo 1200 //[Max # of seconds to wait before requesting next ss]

pb_sv_SsCmd "" //[Filename of system command to run after screenshots]

pb_sv_SsWidth 400 //[Requested pixel width of remote screenshots]

pb_sv_SsHeight 204 //[Requested pixel height of remote screenshots]

pb_sv_SsXpct 50 //[Percentage across screen for remote screenshots]

pb_sv_SsYpct 50 //[Percentage down screen for remote screenshots]

pb_sv_SsSrate 1 //[sample Rate for remote screenshots]

pb_sv_SsDelay 0 //[Maximum delay client waits before capturing screenshot]

pb_sv_SsPath "" //[Path where remote screenshots are saved]

pb_sv_ssLogging 3 //[1=Reg. Log, 2=SS Log, 3=Both, 0=Neither]

pb_sv_ssTimeout 300 //[seconds]



; ------------------------------

; Web Tool Settings

; ------------------------------

pb_sv_HttpPort 0 //[Port #]

pb_sv_HttpAddr "" //[External IP Address]

pb_sv_HttpKey "" //[Password]

pb_sv_HttpRefresh 30 //[seconds]

pb_sv_HttpMaps "" //[Map list (separate by spaces)]

pb_sv_HttpMapsPath "" //[Path where maps are loaded from in WebTool]

pb_sv_HttpColText1 "FFFFFF" //[Text Color #1 in WebTool (default=FFFFFF)]

pb_sv_HttpColText2 "0000FF" //[Text Color #2 in WebTool (default=0000FF)]

pb_sv_HttpColBack1 "000000" //

pb_sv_HttpColBack2 "808080" //

pb_sv_HttpColLine1 "FF0000" //[Line Color #1 in WebTool (default=FF0000)]

pb_sv_HttpColLine2 "0000FF" //[Line Color #2 in WebTool (default=0000FF)]

pb_sv_HttpColMsg "FF0000" //[Message Color in WebTool (default=FF0000)]

pb_sv_HttpShowGuid 1 //[0=No, 1=Yes (default=0)]



; ------------------------------

; CVAR Settings (Only for supported games)

; ------------------------------

pb_sv_CvarFreq 3 //[# of range checks per minute]

pb_sv_CvarLogging 1 //[1=Reg. Log, 2=Var Log, 3=Both, 0=Neither]

pb_sv_CvarWalk 2 //[0=disabled, 1-4=Walk through obtained Cvar lists]

pb_sv_CvarUserPulse 99 //[Frequency to auto-send CvarUser (minutes)]

pb_sv_CvarChangedPulse 60 //[Frequency to auto-send CvarChanged (minutes)]



; ------------------------------

; Alias Settings (Only for supported games)

; ------------------------------

pb_sv_AliasFn "pbalias.dat" //[Filename (default="pbalias.dat")]

pb_sv_AliasAutoLoad 0 //[0=No, 1=Yes (default=0)]

pb_sv_AliasMax 10 //[Max # of Aliases to track for each PB GUID]

pb_sv_AliasMaxEnforce 0 //[0=No, 1=Yes (default=0)]



; ------------------------------

; PB Tasks (pb_sv_task [start delay (seconds)] [repeat (seconds)] [command])

; ------------------------------

pb_sv_task 0 7200 pb_sv_ver // Keep-Alive for PBBans Hub

pb_sv_task 0 86400 pb_sv_update // Check for PB updates daily

pb_sv_task 0 300 pb_sv_guidrelax 0 // Reset GUID relax


; ------------------------------

; Badname List (pb_sv_badname [grace_period_secs] [disallowed text])

; ------------------------------


;pb_sv_badname 10 server // Sample



; ------------------------------

; IP Guard

; ------------------------------

;pb_sv_ipguard // Sample



; ------------------------------

; Cvar List

; ------------------------------




; ------------------------------

; Protected Tags

; ------------------------------

pb_sv_protecttag 1 PBSTAFF

pb_sv_protecttag 1 PBBans



; ------------------------------

; Load Ban List

; ------------------------------





; ------------------------------

; Load IP Bans

; ------------------------------

;pb_sv_banmask "" // Sample



; ------------------------------

; PB UCON Settings / Lists

; ------------------------------


pb_sv_usessionlimit 8

pb_sv_ucontimeout 90


pb_sv_uconadd 1 "pbbhub1" "pbbanshub"



; ------------------------------

; Exec Configs

; ------------------------------

pb_sv_load pbsvuser.cfg

pb_sv_load pbsvlog.cfg


pb_sv_task 60 900 say "^2All weapons ^1ALLOWED^2, so ^1DONT BITCH!!^2, vote kick offenders!!"

pb_sv_task 180 900 say "^3solo^1-^3elite ^2own this server and we are recruiting, visit ^1www.^3solo^1-^3elite^1.com^2,been kicking arse since ^11999"

pb_sv_task 300 900 say "^1DONT ^2try and ^1VOTE KICK ^2any ^1S^3*^1E ^2or ^1S^3c^1E ^2members, you will be ^1BANNED!!"

pb_sv_task 420 900 say "^2Fed up with servers have to many rules? you can play however you like here just ^1DONT BITCH!!"

pb_sv_task 660 900 say "^2This server has ^3Cheat Prevention ^2via ^1PBbans ^2and ^1Punkbusted!!"

pb_sv_task 780 900 say "^2Standard ^1server rules ^2still apply, ^5No Recruiting^2, ^5No Glitching ^2and ^5Dont become verably annoying!!"

pb_sv_task 900 900 say "^1DONT ^3vote spam ^2and read the ^3rules ^2before ^3voting!!"




// *******************************************

// PBBans.com CVAR List

// Call of Duty World at War

// Last Updated Feb 11th 2009

// Last Revision Nov 11th 2008

// *******************************************


// ***********************************************

// CVAR Settings

// ***********************************************

// Clear CVARs



// ------------------------------

// Recommended for Hub-Streaming Servers

// ------------------------------

pb_sv_cvarlogging 1 // (1=*.log), or 3 (= *.log & *.Var), NOT! 2

pb_sv_cvarwalk 2 // 0-4 lower value = less checking

pb_sv_cvarchangedpulse 50 // 10-90 higher value = less checking, 99=disabled

pb_sv_cvaruserpulse 95 // 10-90 higher value = less checking, 99=disabled

pb_sv_cvarfreq 3 // 2-10 higher value = more checking, may cause lag


pb_sv_task 700 900 pb_sv_bindsrch _toggle

pb_sv_task 400 900 pb_sv_bindsrch _menu

pb_sv_task 100 900 pb_sv_bindsrch _hack

pb_sv_task 900 600 pb_sv_GUIDRelax 0


// ***********************************************

// Suggested CVAR Checks

// ***********************************************

pb_sv_cvar cg_drawThroughWalls IN 0

pb_sv_cvar cg_errordecay IN 100

pb_sv_cvar cg_footsteps IN 1

pb_sv_cvar cg_fov IN 60 80

pb_sv_cvar cg_laserForceOn IN 0

pb_sv_cvar cl_maxpackets IN 30 100

pb_sv_cvar com_maxfps OUT 0.000001 30

pb_sv_cvar r_sizecull IN 0

pb_sv_cvar r_polygonOffsetBias IN -1

pb_sv_cvar r_polygonOffsetScale IN -1

pb_sv_cvar r_fullbright IN 0

pb_sv_cvar r_lockPvs IN 0

pb_sv_cvar rate IN 5000 25000

pb_sv_cvar snaps IN 20 40

pb_sv_cvar cg_drawShellShock IN 1


// ***********************************************

// PBBans Cheat CVAR List

// ***********************************************

pb_sv_BindSrch _toggle

pb_sv_BindSrch _hack

pb_sv_BindSrch _menu

pb_sv_cvar _aimkey IN 0

pb_sv_cvar aim_key IN 0

// ====^last updates^====

pb_sv_cvar _aim_bot IN 0

pb_sv_cvar _aim_humanvalue IN 0

pb_sv_cvar _aim_key IN 0

pb_sv_cvar _aim_predict IN 0

pb_sv_cvar _aim_shoot IN 0

pb_sv_cvar _aim_vecz IN 0

pb_sv_cvar _aimkey IN 0

pb_sv_cvar _esp_airstrike IN 0

pb_sv_cvar _esp_box IN 0

pb_sv_cvar _esp_distance IN 0

pb_sv_cvar _esp_helicopter IN 0

pb_sv_cvar _esp_name IN 0

pb_sv_cvar _menu_colorframe IN 0

pb_sv_cvar _no_fog IN 0

pb_sv_cvar _no_recoil IN 0

pb_sv_cvar _no_shellshock IN 0

pb_sv_cvar _radar_colorframe IN 0

pb_sv_cvar _radar_range IN 0

pb_sv_cvar _radar_y IN 0

pb_sv_cvar _stats_colorframe IN 0

pb_sv_cvar _wallhack IN 0






// *******************************************

// PBBans.com PBSV Config

// Call of Duty World at War

// Last Updated Aug 28th 2009

// *******************************************


; ------------------------------

; General Settings

; ------------------------------

pb_sv_MsgPrefix "^5PunkBuster Server"

pb_sv_MaxDlRate 4 //[KB/sec requested per file (default=4)]

pb_sv_MaxConDls 6 //[Concurrent downloads (default=1)]

pb_sv_MaxSendRate 8 // [speed at which PB Server sends pbcl and pbag updates in KBps (default=8)]

pb_sv_CQC 1 //[0=No, 1=Yes (default=1)]

pb_sv_Sleep 60 //[# of Milliseconds (default=60)]

pb_sv_PowerMin 10 //[Power Points]

pb_sv_PowerDef 1 //[Power Points]

pb_sv_PowerKickLen 5 //[Minutes (default=5)]

pb_sv_DupNameGrace 0 //[seconds]

pb_sv_ExtChar 0 //[0=No, 1=Yes (default=0)]

pb_sv_GuidRelax 0 //[1=UNKN, 2=WRONGIP, 4=DUP (add desired values)]

pb_sv_RconReload 0 //[0=No, 1=Yes (default=0)]

pb_sv_LogSync 0 //[0=No, 1=Yes (default=0)]

pb_sv_AutoUpdBan 1 //[0=No, 1=Yes (default=0)]



; ------------------------------

; Other Settings

; ------------------------------

pb_sv_Restrictions 2 //[Kick for Restrictions 0=No, 1=Yes (default=1) 2=key macro Restrictions]

pb_sv_FileWhitelist "" //[Folder Filename Filename ... Filename]

pb_sv_EmptyName 0 //[0=No, 1=Yes (default=0)]

pb_sv_LogFloor 1 //[Low log filename serial #]

pb_sv_MinName 0 //[Min Characters in Player name (default=0)]

pb_sv_MaxName 0 //[Max Characters in Player name (default=0)]

pb_sv_LanMask "" //[iP Address Mask for LAN Players (default=)]

pb_sv_Lan 0 //[0=No, 1=Yes (default=0)]

pb_sv_ChangePeriod 600 // For pb_sv_ChangeMax

pb_sv_ChangeMax 5 // [Max name changes allowed in pb_sv_ChangePeriod] ex 5 changes in 600 seconds



; ------------------------------

; Kick Settings

; ------------------------------

pb_sv_KickLen 5 //[Minutes (default=2)]

pb_sv_ScoreKick 0 //[Min score (negative) ]

pb_sv_UpdateGrace 2400 //[seconds to wait before Update Failure kick]

pb_sv_NoGuidGrace 10 //[seconds to wait before No GUID kick]



; ------------------------------

; PBSS Settings

; ------------------------------

pb_sv_AutoSs 0 //[0=No, 1=Yes (default=0)]

pb_sv_SsFloor 1 //[Low screenshot filename serial #]

pb_sv_SsCeiling 2000 //[High screenshot filename serial #]

pb_sv_AutoSsFrom 300 //[Min # of seconds to wait before requesting next ss]

pb_sv_AutoSsTo 1200 //[Max # of seconds to wait before requesting next ss]

pb_sv_SsCmd "" //[Filename of system command to run after screenshots]

pb_sv_SsWidth 400 //[Requested pixel width of remote screenshots]

pb_sv_SsHeight 204 //[Requested pixel height of remote screenshots]

pb_sv_SsXpct 50 //[Percentage across screen for remote screenshots]

pb_sv_SsYpct 50 //[Percentage down screen for remote screenshots]

pb_sv_SsSrate 1 //[sample Rate for remote screenshots]

pb_sv_SsDelay 0 //[Maximum delay client waits before capturing screenshot]

pb_sv_SsPath "" //[Path where remote screenshots are saved]

pb_sv_ssLogging 3 //[1=Reg. Log, 2=SS Log, 3=Both, 0=Neither]

pb_sv_ssTimeout 300 //[seconds]



; ------------------------------

; Web Tool Settings

; ------------------------------

pb_sv_HttpPort 0 //[Port #]

pb_sv_HttpAddr "" //[External IP Address]

pb_sv_HttpKey "" //[Password]

pb_sv_HttpRefresh 30 //[seconds]

pb_sv_HttpMaps "" //[Map list (separate by spaces)]

pb_sv_HttpMapsPath "" //[Path where maps are loaded from in WebTool]

pb_sv_HttpColText1 "FFFFFF" //[Text Color #1 in WebTool (default=FFFFFF)]

pb_sv_HttpColText2 "0000FF" //[Text Color #2 in WebTool (default=0000FF)]

pb_sv_HttpColBack1 "000000" //

pb_sv_HttpColBack2 "808080" //

pb_sv_HttpColLine1 "FF0000" //[Line Color #1 in WebTool (default=FF0000)]

pb_sv_HttpColLine2 "0000FF" //[Line Color #2 in WebTool (default=0000FF)]

pb_sv_HttpColMsg "FF0000" //[Message Color in WebTool (default=FF0000)]

pb_sv_HttpShowGuid 1 //[0=No, 1=Yes (default=0)]



; ------------------------------

; CVAR Settings (Only for supported games)

; ------------------------------

pb_sv_CvarFreq 3 //[# of range checks per minute]

pb_sv_CvarLogging 1 //[1=Reg. Log, 2=Var Log, 3=Both, 0=Neither]

pb_sv_CvarWalk 2 //[0=disabled, 1-4=Walk through obtained Cvar lists]

pb_sv_CvarUserPulse 99 //[Frequency to auto-send CvarUser (minutes)]

pb_sv_CvarChangedPulse 60 //[Frequency to auto-send CvarChanged (minutes)]



; ------------------------------

; Alias Settings (Only for supported games)

; ------------------------------

pb_sv_AliasFn "pbalias.dat" //[Filename (default="pbalias.dat")]

pb_sv_AliasAutoLoad 0 //[0=No, 1=Yes (default=0)]

pb_sv_AliasMax 10 //[Max # of Aliases to track for each PB GUID]

pb_sv_AliasMaxEnforce 0 //[0=No, 1=Yes (default=0)]



; ------------------------------

; PB Tasks (pb_sv_task [start delay (seconds)] [repeat (seconds)] [command])

; ------------------------------

pb_sv_task 0 7200 pb_sv_ver // Keep-Alive for PBBans Hub

pb_sv_task 0 86400 pb_sv_update // Check for PB updates daily

pb_sv_task 0 300 pb_sv_guidrelax 0 // Reset GUID relax


; ------------------------------

; Badname List (pb_sv_badname [grace_period_secs] [disallowed text])

; ------------------------------


;pb_sv_badname 10 server // Sample



; ------------------------------

; IP Guard

; ------------------------------

;pb_sv_ipguard // Sample



; ------------------------------

; Cvar List

; ------------------------------




; ------------------------------

; Protected Tags

; ------------------------------

pb_sv_protecttag 1 PBSTAFF

pb_sv_protecttag 1 PBBans



; ------------------------------

; Load Ban List

; ------------------------------





; ------------------------------

; Load IP Bans

; ------------------------------

;pb_sv_banmask "" // Sample



; ------------------------------

; PB UCON Settings / Lists

; ------------------------------


pb_sv_usessionlimit 8

pb_sv_ucontimeout 90


pb_sv_uconadd 1 "pbbhub1" "pbbanshub"



; ------------------------------

; Exec Configs

; ------------------------------

pb_sv_load pbsvlog.cfg


pb_sv_task 60 900 say "^2All weapons ^1ALLOWED^2, so ^1DONT BITCH!!^2, vote kick offenders!!"

pb_sv_task 180 900 say "^3solo^1-^3elite ^2own this server and we are recruiting, visit ^1www.^3solo^1-^3elite^1.com^2,been kicking arse since ^11999"

pb_sv_task 300 900 say "^1DONT ^2try and ^1VOTE KICK ^2any ^1S^3*^1E ^2or ^1S^3c^1E ^2members, you will be ^1BANNED!!"

pb_sv_task 420 900 say "^2Fed up with servers have to many rules? you can play however you like here just ^1DONT BITCH!!"

pb_sv_task 660 900 say "^2This server has ^3Cheat Prevention ^2via ^1PBbans ^2and ^1Punkbusted!!"

pb_sv_task 780 900 say "^2Standard ^1server rules ^2still apply, ^5No Recruiting^2, ^5No Glitching ^2and ^5Dont become verably annoying!!"

pb_sv_task 900 900 say "^1DONT ^3vote spam ^2and read the ^3rules ^2before ^3voting!!"



// *******************************************

// PBBans.com MD5 List

// Call of Duty World at War

// Last Updated Aug 5th 2009

// Last Revision Nov 10th 2008

// *******************************************


// ***********************************************

// MD5Tool Settings

// ***********************************************

// Clear MD5 List



// Set Scan Frequency

pb_sv_md5toolfreq 50


// ***********************************************

// PBBans Cheat MD5Tool List

// ***********************************************

pb_sv_md5tool w "" v "PerX.exe" SZ0 AT4096 LEN32 NOT_FOUND

pb_sv_md5tool w "" v "NaziZombies.dll" SZ0 AT4096 LEN32 NOT_FOUND

// =======^last updates^=======

pb_sv_md5tool w "" v "cod5hook.dll" SZ0 AT4096 LEN32 NOT_FOUND

pb_sv_md5tool w "" v "BlankSSv2.dll" SZ0 AT4096 LEN32 NOT_FOUND

pb_sv_md5tool w "" v "PBSS.dll" SZ0 AT4096 LEN32 NOT_FOUND

pb_sv_md5tool w "" v "[email protected](MSN).exe" SZ0 AT4096 LEN32 NOT_FOUND

pb_sv_md5tool w "" v "AimPoint.exe" SZ0 AT4096 LEN32 NOT_FOUND

pb_sv_md5tool w "" v "AdA-Unlock_CoD5.dll" SZ0 AT4096 LEN32 NOT_FOUND

pb_sv_md5tool w "" v "Art*****-Radar-v2.1.exe" SZ0 AT4096 LEN32 NOT_FOUND

pb_sv_md5tool w "" v "Art*****-Radar-v2.2.exe" SZ0 AT4096 LEN32 NOT_FOUND

pb_sv_md5tool w "" v "Art*****-Radar-v2.3.exe" SZ0 AT4096 LEN32 NOT_FOUND

pb_sv_md5tool w "" v "UC-Public Injectors.exe" SZ0 AT4096 LEN32 NOT_FOUND

pb_sv_md5tool w "" v "COD 5 Rank Hax-1-4.dll" SZ0 AT4096 LEN32 NOT_FOUND

pb_sv_md5tool w "" v "CoD5 v1.3.dll" SZ0 AT4096 LEN32 NOT_FOUND

pb_sv_md5tool w "" v "ZombieHax.dll" SZ0 AT4096 LEN32 NOT_FOUND

pb_sv_md5tool w "" v "SchoolHackCoD5Multi.exe" SZ0 AT4096 LEN32 NOT_FOUND

pb_sv_md5tool w "" v "simplememory.dll" SZ0 AT4096 LEN32 NOT_FOUND

pb_sv_md5tool w "" v "Hack.dll" SZ0 AT4096 LEN32 NOT_FOUND

pb_sv_md5tool w "" v "Vossy's Lovebot.dll" SZ0 AT4096 LEN32 NOT_FOUND

pb_sv_md5tool w "" v "Sounds/menu_toggle.wav" SZ0 AT4096 LEN32 NOT_FOUND

pb_sv_md5tool w "" v "Sounds/headshot.wav" SZ0 AT4096 LEN32 NOT_FOUND

pb_sv_md5tool w "" v "CoDwawV1.1_Multihack.dll" SZ0 AT4096 LEN32 NOT_FOUND

pb_sv_md5tool w "" v "cod5hack_1.1.exe" SZ0 AT4096 LEN32 NOT_FOUND

pb_sv_md5tool w "" v "EasyAccount.exe" SZ0 AT4096 LEN32 NOT_FOUND

pb_sv_md5tool w "" v "Lode.exe" SZ0 AT4096 LEN32 NOT_FOUND

pb_sv_md5tool w "" v "cod5RetailHack.exe" SZ0 AT4096 LEN32 NOT_FOUND

pb_sv_md5tool w "" v "COD5_D3D_bySRV.dll" SZ0 AT4096 LEN32 NOT_FOUND

pb_sv_md5tool w "" v "Call of Duty World at War Hack.exe" SZ0 AT4096 LEN32 NOT_FOUND

pb_sv_md5tool w "" v "CoD 5.dll" SZ0 AT4096 LEN32 NOT_FOUND

pb_sv_md5tool w "" v "cod5.exe" SZ0 AT4096 LEN32 NOT_FOUND

pb_sv_md5tool w "" v "cod5_cvarunlocker.dll" SZ0 AT4096 LEN32 NOT_FOUND

pb_sv_md5tool w "" v "CoD5_Hook.dll" SZ0 AT4096 LEN32

pb_sv_md5tool w "" v "cod5B0t.dll" SZ0 AT4096 LEN32 NOT_FOUND

pb_sv_md5tool w "" v "cod5B0t_default.cfg" SZ0 AT0 LEN32 NOT_FOUND

pb_sv_md5tool w "" v "cod5Bot.exe" SZ0 AT4096 LEN32 NOT_FOUND

pb_sv_md5tool w "" v "CoDWAWv1.0_Multihack.dll" SZ0 AT4096 LEN32 NOT_FOUND

pb_sv_md5tool w "" v "fps******_COD5Hook.exe" SZ0 AT4096 LEN32 NOT_FOUND

pb_sv_md5tool w "" v "SchoolHackCoD5Multi.exe" SZ0 AT4096 LEN32 NOT_FOUND

// ======^^Revision pending^^======

pb_sv_md5tool w "" v "AutoInject.exe" SZ0 AT4096 LEN32 NOT_FOUND

pb_sv_md5tool w "" v "D3DX9_8b8b6649d0987796.dll" SZ0 AT0 LEN32 NOT_FOUND

pb_sv_md5tool w "" v "DCInjector.exe" SZ0 AT4096 LEN32 NOT_FOUND

pb_sv_md5tool w "" v "DCuloader.exe SZ0 AT4096 LEN32 NOT_FOUND

pb_sv_md5tool w "" v "DLLInjector.exe" SZ0 AT4096 LEN32 NOT_FOUND

pb_sv_md5tool w "" v "GU-inject0r.exe" SZ0 AT4096 LEN32 NOT_FOUND

pb_sv_md5tool w "" v "IcT Universal Loader.exe" SZ0 AT4096 LEN32 NOT_FOUND

pb_sv_md5tool w "" v "inject.exe" SZ0 AT4096 LEN32 NOT_FOUND

pb_sv_md5tool w "" v "injector.exe" SZ0 AT4096 LEN32 NOT_FOUND

pb_sv_md5tool w "" v "Injector_Tool.exe" SZ0 AT4096 LEN32 NOT_FOUND

pb_sv_md5tool w "" v "Injec-TOR.exe" SZ0 AT4096 LEN32 NOT_FOUND

pb_sv_md5tool w "" v "Loader.exe" SZ0 AT4096 LEN32 NOT_FOUND

pb_sv_md5tool w "" v "sinJect.exe" SZ0 AT4096 LEN32 NOT_FOUND

pb_sv_md5tool w "" v "StealthInjector.exe" SZ0 AT4096 LEN32 NOT_FOUND

pb_sv_md5tool w "" v "VB DLL Injector v1.0.exe" SZ0 AT4096 LEN32 NOT_FOUND

pb_sv_md5tool w "" v "wav/headshot.wav" SZ0 AT4096 LEN32 NOT_FOUND

pb_sv_md5tool w "" v "Winject.exe" SZ0 AT4096 LEN32 NOT_FOUND

pb_sv_md5tool w "" v "Winject V 1.2.exe" SZ0 AT4096 LEN32 NOT_FOUND






pb_sv_task 0 7200 pb_sv_ver

pb_sv_logport 24432

pb_sv_logaddr rep.punksbusted.com

pb_sv_loguser $psb_clanid$


Edited by Lucky_Fr4gg3r

Looks like it's sorted :) All servers except your BF2 server are streaming.



Server List


BF2 -

COD4 - (Streaming)

COD4 - (Streaming)

CODWW - (Streaming)


Edited your post a bit so it doesn't require 5 minutes of scrolling to get through it :P

Posted (edited)

yeay i did it :P yeah need to sort the bf2cc thingy :) cheeers guys for ya help :)

Edited by =S*E=TomGun

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