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Extended ASCII Charachters Error


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I recently tried playing CoD4 after some time away from that game and received the above error when trying to log into any servers. This did not happend previously when I used to play the game which has remain installed on my system with no changes since original install on this computer. Can you plz tell me how to fix this issue. My CoD4 game name is eP|yXwhiteroo/<.


Thank you!

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PB_SV_ExtChar [0/1]

The default setting of 0 tells PunkBuster to disallow extended ASCII Characters in player names; for the purposes of this command, characters that cannot be easily entered with simple keystrokes are considered extended




It's a simple server setting, and is entirely optional for server admins to set up the way they like. If you're being kicked, you may simply have to remove the extended characters from your game name.



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