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Hey guys,


Had a player on our server last nite blowing up his own side objectives, we lost nearly all our public. i wasn't on sadly.

Now i have his ip, guid, name etc

My question is how in bfbc2 do i add a personal ban to our server with out the person being on??

We do run BF2 Guardian.

Obviously i don't want him back on so he can do the same again.

How can i add a personal ban plz??




[04.06.2010 00:00:00] 32CharGUID "Alias" "IP" BAN REASON


to the top of your pbbans.dat


i.e. line should look something like:


[03.26.2010 19:44:38] bc62e1d918a24bf57f247c6fe52a4119 "Hydrium" "82.75.*.*" VIOLATION (AIMBOT) 50116

Above method requires the pb_sv_banempty and pb_sv_banload to be issued to PunkBusted via command line (rcon).


Direct command line method is: PB_SV_BanGuid [guid] [player_name] [iP_Address] [reason]


Above method requires the pb_sv_banempty and pb_sv_banload to be issued to PunkBusted via command line (rcon).


Direct command line method is: PB_SV_BanGuid [guid] [player_name] [iP_Address] [reason]



Cheers for that info m8,

you were a great help.

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