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RO2:RS Search & Destroy Is On Beta

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Along with Russian and German troop transports and the new Rising Storm siege map Maggot Hill, we are taking the (often requested) Search and Destroy game type official!

After the Custom Game Type team created the S&D game mode for RO 2/RS, many of us at the office found ourselves having a great time with it. We also found that it helped fill a niche of a game type that works well with players who want to play a few rounds without having to commit to the transitionally larger rounds of a territory match (not to mention good for competitive/clan matches!).

We will be adding Search and Destroy to the Rising Storm beta later this week (the snowpocalypse has started again here in Georgia and many in our office have headed home for today) for further testing and gameplay feedback! Like with the last round of testing (with Maggot Hill) we will be playing everyday for the rest of the week as we watch how it plays and gather community feedback.

In the near future (likely early February) we will add the troop transports to the beta and continue to work on polish and feedback on all the items in this update until they are ready for the main game.


The beta now has S&D mode. :D

  • 4 weeks later...




Late last night we pushed live and update that bring updated maps (including the new map Maggot Hill and updated Search and Destroy maps) to the beta build. We are expecting this to be the last pass on several of the maps and we will shift the betas focus to vehicle and transports play in the near-ish future (The three maps we have added the transports to are Arad, Rakowice and Barashka and we will need to gameplay test them heavily over the coming days).

To help us test these updates you need to download the Rising Storm Beta application from your Steam Library and keep an eye on the Events Page here: http://steamcommunity.com/games/RO2/events for when we schedule tests. Developers from Tripwire and Anti-Matter Games are always on hand for these tests for you to shoot and stab! And we look forward to your feedback after the tests in our Beta forums: http://forums.tripwireinteractive.co...play.php?f=126

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