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Call of Duty: Advanced Warfare


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  • 2 months later...

Secret RPG Easter Egg...





In it, you have to head on over to the game's thirteenth mission—Throttle—and go pretty far off the beaten path by jumping your way to the very top of one of the map's buildings. On top, you'll find a rather odd looking gun floating in the air. It's named "WEAPON_RPG"—an item the game's developers likely meant to delete at some point and never did.


You can, however, equip the oddly named weapon. Oddly named, and oddly fitted to Call of Duty: Advanced Warfare's general environment, as it's a fairly older device among the game's lasers, plasma rifles, and other futuristic weaponry. As an added clue that the game's developers likely didn't intend to keep it in, the rockets themselves don't do much damage when you fire them at things. And the gun itself doesn't actually make any noise when you fire it.


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Call of Duty is both social and competitive, and we respect and honor that. Part of the competition that is core to our values is that players do not adversely degrade their team's ability to compete fairly. It's not dissimilar from the bans that cheaters and boosters receive, and we have increased our focus on reverse boost banning to combat the growing issue. No one is trying to restrict the fun factor of playing Advanced Warfare with this policy, nor are we actively banning against particular styles of play, like trick shots. However, we have a low tolerance approach to people who ruin the experience for others through cheating, boosting, reverse boosting or being caught with toxic emblems in game.


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