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This game is cool. It is free to play: http://store.steampowered.com/app/365300/


The developers also released the source code of the game here: https://github.com/shokunin000/te120




Source Code Now Available!
We've decided to release the source code for TE120! Those interested in adding the special gravity gun to their mod are welcome to do so, but please just credit the TE120 team.

We also have a version of the source shader editor converted to Linux which, I believe, has not been ported to for any other mod. That was a mountain of work completed by Vincent who deserves special recognition & credit for his help.

There's a few other enhancements as well including:
  1. Enhanced dynamic lighting (env_projectedtexture).
  2. Integrated Source Shader Editor 0.5 for enhanced post processing & lighting. 
  3. Improved support for complex physics structures.
  4. Support for super massive physics objects. 
  5. Strider patrol manager & combine formation support for Striders.

You can access the latest code on github located here:

haven't thought about this since it's early days. thought they have went the way of the honest politician ...


or am i confusing this with a different project?


ok, downloaded. definitely the same project


curious to see what they have done in the interim

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