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To Admins Please guys i need help <<<<<<<


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Hi !

Im Tuma

One day i have been banned on [VL] server for the command "seta ***aim 1" ! I need to tell you guys im not a cheater !! this command is comming from the multicheat *** what i downloaded to show my friends from LAN connection how aimbot with autoshot works !! *** doesnt working on global connection you can be sure, but when i writed this command (there was few other like *** etc.) i forgott to delete it from my sof2mp.cfg and when i connected to one server fe. UwC i gott ban beucos PB found this command in my cfg.

I've delete it but it doesnt works i have ban on IP and nothink exept you guys cannot help me.

You can make pbscreens on me and see that i dont have anythink now ! Im clean !!

Thanks !




PS. I hope you can help me :/



*** admin edit dont post cheat names ***

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