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Does anybody know when pb will update? Im so tired of the hackers in bf2 it is actually getting worse im finding it harder and harder to find a server that is not dominated by players with 35-0 ratios or even worse iv seen them as bad as 76-2 and the admin on the server did nothing he said if he is cheating that pb will get him, but thats not happening. What is going on with pb. The net is full of cheats. They are even for sale. Something needs to be done. The game is going to shit.


Does anybody know when pb will update? Im so tired of the hackers in bf2 it is actually getting worse im finding it harder and harder to find a server that is not dominated by players with 35-0 ratios or even worse iv seen them as bad as 76-2 and the admin on the server did nothing he said if he is cheating that pb will get him, but thats not happening. What is going on with pb. The net is full of cheats. They are even for sale. Something needs to be done. The game is going to shit.


the bolded comment in your msg is the reason.. some individuals have nothing better todo then spend there money on undetected cheats , Public cheats get detected rather quick however with private cheats its much harder to detect imo..


we here at pbbans dont know when EvenBalance (creators/developers of punkbuster) are going to release another update for any game, I play bf2 rarely I also got tired of the cheats and well me losing / dieing to the people who didnt cheat :D..


However the other PB enabled games i do play have the same problems and some get even less updates then other games like Enemy-Territory for instance.


All i can suggest is to wait it out like the rest of us, the cheaters will be caught sooner or latter who knows maybe PB's stealth detection has already picked em up and waiting to be added to the global hw ban list (takes time)


i looked on the evenbalance web site the last update to bf2 was in oct. i hope they are speedy about it i cant wait for the hackers to get busted :D. et omg that is almost as bad as sof2 with the hackers and it is a great game but the cheaters are everywhere thats why i quit playing sof and et it was getting so out of hand

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