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Hello Peeps,


Second Server :) VA Public !!



IP : <--- host updated ip so this has changed...:s


Game : ET




Clantag: |VA|




Greetz Maria

Edited by MariaHuana
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can you update your member profile please and fill in :


Clan/Group Tag: none

Clan/Group/League Name: none

Clan/Group/League Website: none


... then we can add you a Team Account

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Done! I´ve edited my Userprofile...


but there was a prob listing up all server... this would be the second server and i dont know wich ip to fill in because system gives out failure if you put in more then one...


#1 Weedheaven ---> ---> www.weedheaven.com


#2 Va-Clan Public ---> ---> www.va-clan.de.tl



The new server is a testing system, but i´m quite sure that we stay at this server... would it be a prob if the ip would change again, or how to handle that??



Greetz Maria

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**Team Account created **




Soll der Team Account "Veritas Aequitas" oder "Weedheaven" heissn?


ent oder weder; was das ist erklär ich Dir später ... :P





nee, damit kannsu server selber ändern/neu/wech ;)

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Kannst den Account Veritas Aequitas nennen...

ist "Veritas Aequitas" , beide Server aktiviert : strömt http://www.pbbans.com/msi.php?action=1&amp...44.186.26:27960 macht noch Zicken http://www.pbbans.com/msi.php?action=1&amp...190.75.13:27960




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