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This morning i was playing F.E.A.R Combat on my usual server "24/7 Mainland" i played a few games, then quit out to go have lunch, after lunch i loaded it up again, but when i tryed to join the server it brought up this message:


Punkbuster Violation, your IP Address or Subnet has been banned from this server by Punkbuster Admin


I went to the *mld* clan website, and they directed me here, i don't show up on the ban list, and when i registered the into message said my IP was address had no violations.


Any help would be much appreciated, as i have not done anything wrong, and the server in question is one of the only ones i play on

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your IP Address or Subnet has been banned by server Admin

is the core MSG, the ban was dealt out by an admin of the game server. You will have to contact the server's admins directly, you are not on PBBans master ban index.

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is the core MSG, the ban was dealt out by an admin of the game server. You will have to contact the server's admins directly, you are not on PBBans master ban index.

Thanks for the reply, I've got in contact with the server admin, I've been un-banned but have to wait till they reset the server till i can join again^^

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