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Knife Attack (meelee) bound to scroll wheel?

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I'll add to hugin's post here, as we both run the same server.


We have rules that scroll via server messages.


They are there for all to read, as well as the forum address.


It's entirely up to each server admin on such issues, and agreed, post more about them on IW forums so the Dev's know how you feel, and know what you want in the next patch.


PBBans is here to do one thing. Help get rid of cheating, in-game. We're not here to help you control binds of keys on your own servers. Your rules, your server, do as you wish with those. They are entirely your choice.


We can sit here and get into long debates about which binds are "cheats" in the minds of others, or we can deal with the real cheats, and that's what we're here to do. Binds, if you can do it via the game properties, so can another. Not bannable, period. No point in discussion on that issue.


I am constantly being accused of binding attack to scroll wheel because I can fire my G3 almost as fast if I did use scroll wheel. I say almost, because it is just a tad slower. I am not sure why people think that because left clicking is not that hard, even with a G3 to fire it pretty fast.


I wish more server operators would have the cvar check in there so people would leave me alone about it.

I have melee bound to my scroll up, it's doesn't make it go any faster just means a quicker reaction time for me to staby staby :)


The main issue now is binding attack to the wheel and for single shot weapons it make them fire a lot faster.



I, too, have my melee bound to my mouse wheel (click, not scroll). I just find that easier than searching for a key on the KB with my hand. I don't find that it gives me any advantage whatsoever.


HOWEVER, just like most in here and at PsB, I find binding the scroll wheel (up & down) as your attack button does give you a huge advantage over people who have theirs set to their left or right mouse button (as normal). Using your scroll wheel makes the semi-auto weapons fire as fast as any fully-auto weapon. Therefore, my clan as well as the gaming organization I work for, we consider that a cheat.


And Tabasco? There is a program called FUD Bind Kicker (From the PsB website) that can be set up to automatically kick players using such a key bind. The FUD Bind Kicker can be adjusted to kick or log anybody using any CVAR you want to keep off your servers. It's really a nice tool to have, and it causes no lag on the server. It's 3rd party software that you run remotely on your own PC. It also causes your PC no lag either....at least none that I have noticed on my machine.


I simply see the FUD Bind Kicker as just 1 more line of defense against the cheating community which should rot in hell.


No binding will be banned here, at pbbans.com


Let that be known, first-off.


As a game-server admin myself, I personally use the left mouse button to attack, and most do. Using the scroll-wheel may not perhaps allow you an advantage, as far as aim is concerned, but it allows you to fire single-shot weapons at the same or higher rate to automatic weapons, and should not be bound to such, if reading said-server rules.


If you play on a server that says that is against thier ToS, then live with it, and learn to play the game properly.


Personally, while my server also will ban for someone using the above scroll-wheel-bind, I don't consider it a cheat, yet it is perhaps a bit silly to use.

Posted (edited)

Crazy56: Thing is ppl don't see the difference between cheats and legal features in a game, to bind the knife to the scroolwheel don't give you 6 knife stabs a sec do it? I do use my knife on both up and down, and hell i can tell you it ain't giving me any advantages at all, only reason i have them there is the fact i always been a fan of having the most essential features in a game binded to it. If i really wanted to get my knife stab efficiency up I had to bind it to a button who can have one finger free to always be ready to hit that key. With the knife binded to the SCROLLWHEEL i have to let go of MOUSE1 button who off course is binded to attack. believe me, this binding don't give me any advantage at all.


The word SCROLLWHEEL isn't automatically binded the dirty rotten player out there, its a part of the game.

Edited by hugin

And hugin knows I can sneek up on him and stab him with my default keys as well, just an fyi. He lol's when I do it, and I am perhaps chuckling even harder, when I do.


Hugin, I don't see a person having any advantage using their scroll wheel up or down for their melee. I was referring to players who use the scroll wheel as their attack on semi-auto weapons does give them an advantage because it changes the rate of fire.

Hugin, I don't see a person having any advantage using their scroll wheel up or down for their melee. I was referring to players who use the scroll wheel as their attack on semi-auto weapons does give them an advantage because it changes the rate of fire.


Yes? I know that, thats why I am addressing you and what you say with more facts and statements on the issue, hence the:


"Crazy56: Thing is ppl don't see the difference between cheats and legal features in a game......"


Binds are there for all players to use, as they are a part of the game itself.


Use what you feel comfortable with, as many players will do just that everyday.


As long as the game itself allows those binds, they are not cheats, and will never be banned for here. Opinions on the matter are just that, and they are the opinion of the said-poster.


Perhaps we're flogging a dead horse with this conversation?

  • 9 months later...
Posted (edited)

As has been said, I see no problem with binding melee to scrollwheel down, up or click as it doesn't cause you to have faster access to repeat melee moves.

Whereas binding scrollwheel to fire is an exploit which I am seeking a solution to prevent on our server currently.


We run a hardcore server so theres really no need to be binding scrollwheel fire and using a G3, that really is taking the mick and a kickable offence on our server (repeat offences are bannable by us locally).


I'm aware that the anticheat sites do not ban for this but I have seen servers that issue kicks on detection so can someone point me in the right direction to get that kind of system on our server.




EDIT: upon further investigation I found some links which I'll post here to save someone else some time:


[FUD] Bind kicker


RECONMAX has this function built in apparently but I'm still looking into how to enable it.

REad a thread on this HERE.

Edited by SonixSquad-Hell

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