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Im gameadmin for sof2 with 2 servers and we support pbbans.com with our logs and forum activity.


I also idle in #pbbans @ quakenet but im quite pissed off that 1 of your admins "Depetris" says:


Depetris1967 #pbbans 6:07pm: cut the spamming shit out flatline


While i was just looking for a sof2 pcw.


After i said take it easy and wanting to explain, he already devoiced me and without voice he simply takes out my sayings. He give me no chance to atleast listen and i feel this is hostility towards a pbbans member.


Ok, i understand a policy towards spam like advertising/recruiting, but pbbans is part of the sof2 community right? and people use irc to find pcw's. I just asked for a pcw in a /amsg which also showed in #pbbans.


If pbbans wants to get support atleast show some respect and let someone finish his words instead of devoice/kick. I dont feel like streaming atm but ill see.




You have been warned repeatedly about this flatline. The pbbans irc channel is not a spot to spam messages about pcw's. You could have pm'd me if you wanted to get voice to participate. Or you could have simply stopped spamming us with your pcw stuff. I am not the only admin that has been irritated by this. And warning you doesn't seem to make a difference as you just repeatedly ignore warnings.


We are an anti-cheat community.


Thats our policy. Anti-Cheat is our business... finding pcw's or cw's is not what we do, neither is arranging them.


you spammed off-topic messages which irritated ALOT of guys.

It is oke to idle in the #pbbans channel... but if you also helped in the channel with the anti-cheat instead of only spamming for wars we... and dep wouldnt have to be this hard on you.


If pbbans wants to get support atleast show some respect

I dont see how you being asked to stop spamming irc has anything to do with you not streaming. Streaming your servers 'serve' the public interest of ALL server admins. PBBans does not gain anything by you streaming or not, your fellow server admins are the one you are 'hurting' with that type of attitude.

He give me no chance to atleast listen and i feel this is hostility towards a pbbans member.  

Why should I and others suffer do to a disagreement between you and another person ??? That kind of logic makes no sense.

I dont feel like streaming atm but ill see.

Please do not hold the rest of us Server Admins 'hostage' while you slap purses with some one.


Thank You.


Flatline, you and I had a talk about streaming your server to PBBans. The conversation ended on a good note that you would stream when the PBBans system is running. That is an excellent choice to make for the admin community.


The way I understand the IRC spamming problem is simple.....it is there for server admin in need of instant support for PB related issues or anti-cheat issues. PBBans.com is not only about SoF2.....it is about any game supported by PB. There are lots of channels on Quakenet that support SoF2 only and that allow advertising for wars/scrims etc. I was also told that this wasn't the first time a warning had to be given to folks who spam the channel. That is why we "moderated" the channel. This gives the channel operators the opportunity to warn individuals and then de-voice them.


So try to understand what we are about and why the action was taken. I forsee the actions taken being reversed and all returning to normal once you agree not to spam for wars :)


Yeah indeed Rob it was nice conversation..


Is there a way to send a message to most channel expects some specific ones like #pbbans? Wow didn't know people get so irritated about irc messaging, anyway my bad for the "searching pcw spam", won't happen again if u unban me.

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