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Little question

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If someone takes a PB SS of you and edits it with a little dot saying you "ballhack"... is there a program you can get that tells if a picture has been edited? I heard there was, but I'm not sure. If you can tell me i'd appreciate it.




Yes, we can tell if the screenshot has been tampered with.


Are you a server admin?


I have been, not at the moment though. Server log or something? The match was in the other teams server so that would be out of the question.... I heard Adobe Photoshop can do it though, I dont know


Do you have the screenshot?


If so, email it to me at rodeobob@pbbans.com and I can tell you if it is legit.


you don't need any programs at all to verify if a screenshot has been edited.


If the server admin tries to post a faked shot we can tell and we do check them all before we bother posting them as bans. Photoshop would allow you to edit a shot but it won't hide that it's been edited, no program will hide that fact. PBBans only accepts unaltered ss's for submissions.


Hope that your question was answered.


also the server takes the screen shots in PNG format, it has to be in that format to get ban.


the png file typ you can open with a editor of any kind and tell if they have added or removed something, YOU CANT HIDE IT thats why when you see a tamperd image its a jpeg or gif or one of the others, not the real png.


i wouldn't worry about it anyway allote of us have seen millions of SS, its easy to spot a fake.



just remeber if your looking at ss and there not in png format then there is no reason to look at them.


get my drift.


you don't need any programs at all to verify if a screenshot has been edited.


If the server admin tries to post a faked shot we can tell and we do check them all before we bother posting them as bans.  Photoshop would allow you to edit a shot but it won't hide that it's been edited, no program will hide that fact.  PBBans only accepts unaltered ss's for submissions.


Hope that your question was answered.

There are programs that can edit ss and still appear genuine; there is only one real way of verifying ;)

There are programs that can edit ss and still appear genuine; there is only one real way of verifying 



Well why dont ya post a link to one of these programs that can edit a ss and still appear genuine :eating:


well sc, I for one know how to differentiate between a real and a faked ss. I don't even need to open it in a viewer to do so. And to prove your point. Go for it and edit any pb ss and send it here, make it tough though, bury it in a few other normal shots so it's like a trick. I will be able to tell you exactly which one has been edited, probably within 15 minutes of you posting it.


well sc, I for one know how to differentiate between a real and a faked ss.  I don't even need to open it in a viewer to do so.  And to prove your point.  Go for it and edit any pb ss and send it here, make it tough though, bury it in a few other normal shots so it's like a trick.  I will be able to tell you exactly which one has been edited, probably within 15 minutes of you posting it.

You wont be able to see traces of the editing program when you view it in a hex editor or notepad; but trust me, it can be done.

Put your words where your mouth is....and show us the proof.




I am still waiting for the Uber programs to do the editing without a trace. Sounds like someone is putting extra pulp in their OJ :morning:


I see you read Deps comments did ya see mine ?



Well why dont ya post a link to one of these programs that can edit a ss and still appear genuine


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