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cod WaW ( cod 5 )


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j'ai un petit soucis avec mon serveur cod 5


quand je vais sur : PBBans - Hub Streaming Setup





le port 28965

le rcon *****

je clic sur Perform Setup


on me r

Edited by .:FRERE:.Tuck
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_admin = Tuck

_email = [email protected]

_location = France

_maps = CoD WaW

_mod = comMod

_modver = 1.23

_website = www.clan-frere.com

fs_game = mods/comMod_FRERE_v13

fxfrustumcutoff = 1000

g_compassshowenemies = 0

g_gametype = ctf

g_needpass = 0

gamename = Call of Duty: World at War

hostport = 28965

mapname = mp_castle

mod = 1

numplayers = 0

penetrationcount = 5

protocol = 94

pswrd = 0

shortversion = 1

sv_allowanonymous = 0

sv_disableclientconsole = 0

sv_floodprotect = 4

sv_hostname = ^3comMod 1.3|^7 ^4.:FR^7E^1RE:.^3|www.clan-frere.com|^7CodWaW@Eliott-ness

sv_maxclients = 12

sv_maxping = 100

sv_maxrate = 25000

sv_minping = 0

sv_privateclients = 0

sv_punkbuster = 1

sv_pure = 1

sv_voice = 0

ui_maxclients = 32

Edited by .:FRERE:.Tuck
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ok all are ok


just at the first post when i go to this tool : PBBans - Hub Streaming Setup


the cod 5 server was answering :



Opening connection ...

Connection opened

Checking PB version ( pb_sv_ver )



Q3 Remote Console Driver: Unable to execute : "pb_sv_ver" !




but now it works so np thx for all

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