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new copy sof2 with a new cd key

gethigh knight

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hi all i posted about this already and got a good suggestion on how to get at my old cd key which helped alot

but now im sitting on a new copy of sof2 with a cd key that i get kicked for using and dont know what i should do or can do about it


if anyone can tell me how to clear this up id love to hear it because i was hoping to have both my comps loaded with clean copys of this game and good cd keys also how i can find out if my copy is one of the 2006 reissued copys with the same cd key or if some one genarated it and hacked with it and if i prove i bought it new if i can get the key unbanned or not because i got the receate and booklet with the cd key on it as proof


thanks Gethigh knight

Edited by gethigh knight
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