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*Admin Edit: This particular area is a public forum. Please do not post the full 32 character GUIDs of clean players.

Posted (edited)

If I had to guess, I'd say it's his desktop, He is using the windows 'hands' mouse theme. Either way, I don't really see it getting banned, There is no clear cut view of a cheat being used



Not sure if you are able to post someones unedited SS with his complete guid in this open forum. Oh yeah, And are you streaming your server here? non streaming servers can't submit screenshots here. without the streaming logs, pbbans can't verify if the shot is legit or not.

Edited by Agent-86

simple yes or no simple question. CoD:4 has so many damn hackers its not funny, PB doesnt touch them, you need to find more people to look into this game its bull.

simple yes or no simple question. CoD:4 has so many damn hackers its not funny, PB doesnt touch them, you need to find more people to look into this game its bull.

Agent-86 is correct. The PBSS could be a shot of the desktop with the windows 'hands' mouse theme enabled. There is no evidence of a cheat in use.


Additionally, Your response of 'simple yes or no simple question.' is rude and is not appreciated. Agent-86 took the time to respond to your post and did not deserve the attitude of your response.


If your server is not currently streaming, please review the PBBans Starters Guide.

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