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I played CODuo on "BAD Sniper final" server ( IP ) and now i am a banned from this server but they dont give me ban and write me (this is out of our control)

Game write me YOU HAVE BEEN BANED FROM THIS SERVER BY SERVER ADMIN but i am not a banned from them.

I am contacted Evenbalance but they say: This is a local ban from that server. You need to contact the server admin to find out why you have been banned, and if that admin's server is part of a master ban list, who runs it.

I want play but i cant.

What can i do with it?

Sorry my english is bad.



You are not banned here at PBBans or any other anti-cheat site i checked. You need to go talk to the server admins to get your ban lifted. www.badsquadron.com


But they said me:

appeal direct to evenbalence.com . this is out of our control , i banned you via b3 only . =[bAD]= GOOB lifted that ban on b3 . you ARE NOT BANNED ANYMORE BY US , you say you can play on modern weapons so im at a loss cause both servers stream via pb ( banned on one it should work on all our servers ) YOU NEVER HAVE BEEN BANNED VIA PB BY US NO DEMO WAS SENT TO PB . IN FACT PB DONT KNOW YOU FROM ADAM , AS FAR AS IM AWARE . your pb guid number isnt listed in the global ban section so i havnt a clue unless you have been banned by another server that is the only concluesion i can come up with , and pb bans havnt updated there list yet

And now i cant play on this server


One of their server admins must have banned you via punkbuster. so your ban will be in their pbbans.dat file.


That file (pbbans.dat )can be found in the pb folder on their server. Again you are NOT banned here... This sounds like a local ban... Our lists our instant, once a player is banned it takes 3 seconds to become banned... same thing with lifting a ban.



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