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Hello PB,


I am not sure if there was an update or if it is some kind of game hack virus, but a couple of my guys got banned and i am sorry, but these guys would know ow to put a hack in let alone know how to run it. Your top 50 ban list is for the same thing. Like i said i think this is a virus. I would really appreciate a review of these bans and i am not sure if this problem would show up on PB screenshots, but i haven't seen anything that is weird, and Defenders of Valor (:DoV:) is part of your cheat police group. We take cheating as serious as PBBans. We have 22 bans on our server that we caught, so :DoV: and i assume others would really appreciate a reaview of these offences. I know that youll are busy, but really i don't want to go in to my own server in fear that this error will show up on your PB list of shame and i would know how to hak if the world depended on it.




:DoV:-Tribal-Chief MP



P.S. here are the pages of my guys.






Keep in mind we are not PB.

PB is the software made by Evenbalance. We are PBBans and in no way officially related to them.

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