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About This File

This simple tool incorporates all of the functionality of EvenBalance's MD5tool, only it discards the console interface in favour of a Windows based interface. It also includes a built in text editor to allow editing of your pbsvuser.cfg file before saving. It will create MD5 entries for large numbers of files at once, either using the same parameters for all files, or allowing you to specify different parameters for each file.


Note the difference between optional stock file checks and scans for cheat related files ( SZ0 ... NOT_FOUND ) !


pb_sv_md5tool [ O/S ] [gamever] [type] [filename] SZ AT[offset] LEN[bytes] [MD5]


pb_sv_md5tool [wlma] [1.51b] [vla] [path/name.ext] SZ[bytes] AT[bytes] LEN[bytes] [not_found or hex32-hash]


Detailed Manual see: http://www.evenbalance.com/index.php?page=md5tool.php




Samples for cheat File scans:

pb_sv_md5tool w "" v "hack.exe" SZ0 AT4096 LEN32 NOT_FOUND

pb_sv_md5tool a "" v "relative_path/hack.pk3" SZ0 AT0 LEN32 NOT_FOUND

pb_sv_md5tool L "" v "hack.sh" SZ0 AT0 LEN32 NOT_FOUND


PBBans recommended parameters (used in MCi):

Start Offset: -- 4096 (exe & dll) -- 0 (all others) --

Length: -- 32 --

MD5 OS: specific.



Sample for a Stock file check:

pb_sv_md5tool a "1.55b" v "mp_base/textures1.pk3" SZ13194735 AT0 LEN32 3a1fc3c29e6a037a79fb8fd78d4d30e2

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