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*fu* Krull

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Everything posted by *fu* Krull

  1. Hey shires! Catch me on our vent or pm me in game and I'll jump on your vent and walk you though it. Your looking to stream via Hub method("Second link above").
  2. tnx fozzer, guess is should have paid attention the the main page. ;)
  3. thank you. One question: What does the log forwarding do?
  4. Hub - enemy territory Clanfu TAG : *fu* IP
  5. Maybe check out Jaymod..all off those are included in the mod and are easy to turn on off via the ingame menu. I think it supports custom sounds as well but I may be wrong. Have not looked int othat or talked to Jaybird about it in a long time. http://jaymod.clanfu.org
  6. Topic Title: Server IP: Server Port : 27960 Game : Enemy Territory Clan Tag : *fu* Co-Admin : N|A Edit - - using pbucon
  7. to inable kicks add this line to your pbsv.cfg pb_sv_task 10 300 pb_sv_enablekicks Then issue a PB_SV_LOAD pbsv.cfg
  8. THanks for the reply, now i know something else to be lookign for :0 As for streaming, we were at one time but i noticed it has beeen turned off. Probably when I was away and the server was moved to a new IP they disabled it. I'll look at getting that set back up.
  9. Going on this interesting thought I looked for the invoke string in our logs. This player seemed to be clean but very good, now im wondering what this bind is. Any ideas? [06.15.2006 22:23:35] [From #24 ed5e(?) *******] "vstr" "next_shoot" "shoot3" "shoot2" "shoot1" "shoot0" "xshoot8" "xshoot7" "xshoot6" "xshoot5" "xshoot4" "xshoot3" "xshoot2" "xshoot1" "cg_damagekick" "cg_fallkick" "cg_drawfallkick" "cg_drawdamagekick" "shootoff" "shooton" [20 user cvars found] [06.15.2006 22:23:35] [From #24 ed5e(?) *******] vstr = "shooton" [06.15.2006 22:23:35] [From #24 ed5e(?) *******] next_shoot = "vstr shoot1" [06.15.2006 22:23:35] [From #24 ed5e(?) *******] xshoot5 = "+attack; cg_crosshaircoloralt white; cg_crosshairsize 25; cg_crosshaircolor white; cg_drawCrosshair 5" [06.15.2006 22:23:35] [From #24 ed5e(?) *******] xshoot2 = "-attack; cg_crosshaircoloralt green; cg_crosshairsize 36; cg_crosshaircolor green; cg_drawCrosshair 5" [06.15.2006 22:23:35] [From #24 ed5e(?) ******* xshoot1 = "+attack; cg_crosshaircoloralt green; cg_crosshairsize 25; cg_crosshaircolor green; cg_drawCrosshair 5" [06.15.2006 22:23:35] [From #24 ed5e(?) *******] cg_damagekick = "0" [06.15.2006 22:23:35] [From #24 ed5e(?) *******] cg_fallkick = "0" [06.15.2006 22:23:35] [From #24 ed5e(?) *******] cg_drawfallkick = "0" [06.15.2006 22:23:35] [From #24 ed5e(?) *******] cg_drawdamagekick = "0" [06.15.2006 22:23:35] [From #24 ed5e(?) *******] shootoff = "-attack;cg_fov 120;invoke aim 0;set vstr shooton" [06.15.2006 22:23:35] [From #24 ed5e(?) *******] shooton = "+attack;cg_fov 105;invoke aim 1;set vstr shootoff"
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