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Everything posted by AcE

  1. Having pb enabled and not having additional checks to go with it is about as usefull against cheaters as going to a building site with a bag of glass hammers. You cant B)
  2. I think you meant to quote mrx there m8 as my post says nothing about looking up files B) . Anyways if you auto download X files then your games sub folders is where you need to look. Right click your games icon go to properties > find target ;)
  3. Here in the uk iffy means it smells. So you smell :lol:
  4. Dont let the paranoia take over, Your topic wasn't closed because of you. The topic was closed before the flaming had a chance to start though that was pretty obvious. Untill you have a server that's PB enabled your gonna have cheaters in your server everyday and there's not allot you can do about it.
  5. Post them so we can see. NOTE: Only screenshots / demos from streaming servers will be added to the banlist.
  6. If you suspect a player to have an aimbot then you spectate them and take a demo. When recording the demo make sure the demo of the suspect is in 1st person. Most aimbots are easy to spot, Unatural movements snapping from target to target auto firing when the bot locks on etc. Look at some of the demos here to get an idea. Only demos / pbss from streaming servers will be added to the banlist.
  7. AcE

    RoC 2.1c

    Ahh so he's the one from the roc forum that posted the post about *taking over* what a nublet lol :P
  8. AcE

    RoC 2.1c

    I knew that m8, Overkills post about heretic mod made me think about that then post hehe. Agreed That wouldn't suprise me lol.
  9. AcE

    RoC 2.1c

    That heretic mod there's some things he added that make me think hmmm & wtf are you thinking. Added: Sysop Spec Block Code. Can't Spectate a Active Sysop My first answer to that is, Why got something to hide. Added: Admin Command - guidrelax. Admins can now change the guidrelax on the server. Great idea now dumbass admins can just screw up your server. Added: New Adminref. Founder is now available! Now with powers Beyond the sysop. Founders can reboot server form adm command and much more. A definate hazard and i quote maester *major security issue*
  10. AcE


    Patience you'll soon be able to.
  11. Yes your site requires a password to see the members section that's what he was referring to.
  12. It can be done in game dunno about external programs. My guess he's annoyed you banned him the 1st time and is talking bollox. Ban him, Forget about it, Play on.
  13. For future reference please post only original .png screenshots. You wont get any comments on jpegs.
  14. As overkill said stay safe and come back in one piece.
  15. www.evenbalance.com A world of information when you read it.
  16. Wait untill your account has been upgraded.
  17. Now there's a 50/50 but i doubt it.
  18. Nah it's a ReFrag cvar. The documentation for this demo viewer says to restart the game after re-fragging before joining a server (for this very reason) wich whoever this is hasn't done hense the kick... From my own refrag.cfg
  19. Np. Most of the tutorials are on gaminforums aswell, If you cant find them look on soffiles for the links :). You might also want to checkout modsonline
  20. Well as it happens i've just left my clan and decided to move my mapping forum rather than deleting it. See here for tutorials, tips, downloads etc :D
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