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Everything posted by AcE

  1. Good luck with that ISP's
  2. It'll just about run CoD4 800x600 and everything else on minimum, shyt m8 :(
  3. Main PC has been dead, has been for about 3yrs, but I should be getting another pretty soon, thank god lol. I cant smoke amber leaf, tastes like anaseed to me, Don't start again m8.
  4. Stuck with this until I get a proper PC, again.
  5. Couldn't agree more, iPad this iPhone that, iCouldntgiveafuck :)
  6. Report them to EA or apply a local server ban.
  7. AcE


  8. Looks like a ballhack to me lol
  9. As I said on irc last night... Your ban has been removed from PBBans, but you will still find your GUID is stll banned from some servers because those servers aren't streaming, but are using our public banlist. When a GUID is banned on a streaming server it's automaticly banned on all other streaming servers for that game. When a GUID is unabnned from PBBans it's also unbanned, again automaticly from all streaming servers for that game. Server admins that don't stream and use our public banlist update manually (not automaticly). So, when the server admins of the servers you're still getting a ban from update their banlist your GUID will no longer be banned on those servers.
  10. That GUID is PBBans banned, but not globally banned. Global bans come straight from PB themselves and render the persons CDKEY useless on all PB enabled servers.
  11. OK I'll have a look, ty.
  12. AcE

    Incredible ban

    You'll need to ask RA why.
  13. Where are the free tables because I'm promted to buy chips with a CC on all the tables I tried ?
  14. It's easy to tell the difference between lag and an aimbot. We don't take demos recorded with any 3rd party software such as xfire, fraps etc.
  15. The GUID 8ea31e4851efc77ca2e6fc4c7c7b49f8 is not banned here or on any other AC site that I can see, nor is it globally banned by PB. As Twiebie said, cd-key you are using is a leaked one, shared by 100's of people around the world and the likelyhood of it being banned sooner or later is very high considering how many people have used it. Go to a trusted game retailer and buy a new game dvd, not 2nd hand (used) and make sure it's sealed in plastic.
  16. And read this - http://www.pbbans.com/forums/global-punkbuster-guid-ban-8a02f1f0-t24118.html
  17. Combinations of everything from operating sytems to drivers. Evenbalance have been working on it for the past several years and there's no fix.
  18. Means your ban will be removed shortly. Edit - Appeal has been approved and your ban deleted from the MBi
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